(no subject)

Jul 05, 2009 10:43

Recent events in Soupy's life prompted a discussion over the weekend of the various stages of a dating relationship. I found this fairly illuminating, since Mr. Bill and I sort of fell sideways into dating and even, to a certain degree, being engaged. It seems there are several steps that we kind of skipped over on our way to being married. I of course needed to give him a hard time about this, this morning.

ME: Apparently, when you are dating a girl you're supposed to ask at some point if she'll be your girlfriend. I didn't know this was a rule, but I feel a little gypped now that I know.

BILL: What, I never asked you to be my girlfriend?

ME: Nope. The first time I heard the word "girlfriend" applied to myself was when you were introducing me to a classmate of yours who had just asked if I was your sister.

BILL: Oh. I thought maybe we had a big long talk about it, or something.

ME: I don't remember having any talk at all, actually.

BILL: Huh. Well. Will you be my girlfriend?


random interludes, mr. bill, wuv

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