Blarg, Part 36851237

May 27, 2009 09:41

New addition to the list of Maladies I Had Never Experienced Before Pregnancy: Heartburn

Feels exactly like it sounds, doesn't it? *gnaws on tums*

On a related note, if anybody has some prayers, vibes, or purple-colored thoughts to spare for my physical and mental well being, I could use them. Baby's just fine, and medically so am I; I'm just tired of my body constantly finding new ways to feel like crap. Also of not sleeping and feeling like a crazy person half the time. I did not miss being an insane insomniac, and I'm not enjoying this full-color, 3D retrospective of what life inside my head was like before insomnia meds.

In good news, my last day of work at the Shiny Office is June 14th 12th (edit: I can't read the calendar). I'm quitting earlier than originally planned because a) I hate trying to be alert and nice to people when I feel miserable all the time, and b) I'm not actually very good at being alert and nice to people when I'm miserable, so my continuing to work isn't really doing my employer any favors, even when I'm not just calling in to say I can't come in because I'm puking too much. Plus, at this point work takes all the energy I have and I spend all my time at home contemplating all the stuff I'd like to be getting done from bed. Since I'm not showing any signs of getting better, Mr. Bill got the insurance sorted out so that I could leave early and hopefully spend the last few months of my pregnancy doing something other than working phones and lying on my back. So yay for that.

And now...back to bed. (That thing I said about not being able to work because of all the puking? Yeah. Guess how my day's been, so far. Plus! Heartburn! *thumbs up*)

yay i'm preggers yay, call the waaahmbulence

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