Don't get up gentlemen, I'm only passing through

Jan 12, 2009 11:09

1. GIP: Brilliant new icon! *points to it*

2. Music: Sam-I-Am made me a four-disc collection that I think can safely be titled the Godawful Eighties Playlist of Doom. *cackles with glee* Sam tagged the individual discs "Disc One: Tubular!" "Disc Two: Gnarly!!" "Disc Three: Rad!" and "Disc Four: Bodacious!" (I don't know why "Gnarly" gets two exclamation points.)

3. My subconcious really needs a new hobby: I had a dream last night that Sydney Bristow and my cat, Snoop, were Cylons. I swear that I am not making any part of that up.

4. Whining: Things I did a lot of this weekend:
- Cleaning
- Cooking at church
- Singing
- Playing with Babby
- Failing at Shopping

All of which were done on my feet. Oh, my legs! Oh, my back! *waves cane*

5. More whining: Speaking of how I failed at shopping this weekend, my goal was to start Monday with a new pair of spiffy running shoes and a new coat, both purchased on sale. The shoes stopped being on sale sometime before Friday. The coat may never have been on sale, even though pretty much everything else in Burlington Coat Factory (which is a really depressing place to shop, by the way) was marked down 80%. So I have neither new shoes nor a new coat. Waaaah!

6. Books: Finished Night Watch! Takes a rather dark turn compared to the previous City Watch books, and strangely, I didn't mind at all. Also had a take on time-travel and quantum thingumies that delighted and impressed me. Plus, you know, it had Vimes in it. Vimes is awesome. As is Vetinari, but that goes without saying. PTerry! How are you so awesome?

7. More books: Wanted to try reading Look Homeward Angel because I've developed a vague interest in Appalachian dialect, history, and culture (due to a combination of many factors like my Civil War thing, my Flannery O'Connor thing, and having read some cool fanfics set around the Appalachian Trail recently). Assuming you managed to extract yourself from the previous sentence, let me just say that I'm sure Look Homeward, Angel is a very good book, and I was very impressed with the lyrical style for the first several pages. But. I've read to the fourth chapter and I'm still waiting for the dialog to show up. (Okay, it did show up for a few minutes once or twice, but then it went away again.) I think I may not be able to do Wolfe.

books, music, call the waaahmbulence, dreams

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