Random post is random

Nov 24, 2008 16:18

See this icon? It's not mine. It's pretending to be mine, and seems to have slipped in during the night and killed my Cthulhu icon so that it could take the Cthulhu icon's place without me noticing. This happened once before, where my coffee icon was replaced by something with an animated goat. At that time, I thought it was some random glitch, but now I think that the only rational conclusion is this: LJ is sending random icons of goats and anime characters to spy on me. I just can't figure out why. Your thoughts? ETA: Apparently, the icon has also cleverly disguised itself so that only I can see that it's actually a random anime character, while everyone else is still seeing Cthulhu. So maybe LJ's plan is just to make me look crazy in the head. (If so: well played, LJ, but you really could have saved yourself the trouble, since I am pretty good at making myself look crazy in the head all by myself.)

I was going to post a pointless poll today, but today was quite busy and I spent most of my free time attempting to catch up on my friendslist's weekend backlog. Maybe tomorrow. To hold you over, have a picture of my niece and her chosen role model. Cuteness and geekiness all in one place!

And now to continue reading The Crow on the Cradle, which is making me flail like a thing that flails and I think I might be going as crazy as the characters, but I don't care because I must know how it ends or I will die. [/gratuitous italics of extreme-ness]

fanfic, icons, baby dot

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