1. Friday made me happy because it was haircut-and-shopping day followed by dinner with the husband and an evening of intensive chatting wherein
feliciakw expounded to me her theological argument for the existence of God as evidenced by the existence of Jensen Ackles. I love my friends.
2. My mom is visiting
green_tea_lady at the moment, so every time I call GT to chat I get an audio version of the bicker-fest that used to so entertain me when GT still lived at home. Should Mom be allowed to eat all the chocolate she bought in one day? How many times should one have to visit the grocery store in a week? Who drank the last of the milk? These are the important questions that I miss hearing debated by my mom and little sister. I pretty much spend every phone call basking in nostalgic glee.
katiem00 crocheted me a Cthulhu amigirumi! He has little curly tentacles all over his face and little wings! He is the most adorable eldritch thing ever made of yarn! I must remember to take pictures and post them. Truly, you will all be jealous of how awesome my friends are.
4. I think I am getting better at the bookstore. Slowly. I re-sorted Westerns on Saturday and actually helped people find things without just confusing them further three separate times! Go me!
5. On the downside, I still kind of fail at the cash register. Oh well.
6. Sam-I-Am is on vacation all week and I have no one but IT Guy to annoy. Woe is me.
7. Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert is really rather interesting and (perhaps just as importantly) is very funny in places.
8. FOUR-DAY WEEKEND!! Actually, four and a half, since I get off at noon on Wednesday. I will probably end up helping in the store quite a bit, since we're having a sale, but still. Four-day weekend! \o/