But there ain't no stopping and you can't stop rocking

Nov 03, 2008 09:09

1. So, yeah. We own a bookstore. I don't know where anything is except the sci-fi/fantasy and the crafts section, and I can only just contrive to conduct a simple transaction via the cash register without embarrassing myself, but. We own a bookstore! (Thankfully, Mr. Bill is way better at owning it than I am.)

2. All hail izhilzha, Harbinger of Rain, Lender of DVDs, whose auspicious arrival is presaged by clean floors!

3. By which I mean that Couch Potato Day with Izh was a resounding success, though it left me a bit braindead, having consumed enough media in a nine-hour period for an entire week. *is a tv zombie* I have thoughts on both Alias and Invisible Man, but they'll have to wait till later, after I have logged the gigantimous pile of mail on my desk.

4. Quilling is eating my brain, you guys. I got some new books on card-making over the weekend, and they're making me want to make home-made stamps and buy specialty papers with which to accent my quilling. This can only end in tears. And paint stains.

5. I'm thinking that I can adapt this arts and crafts project to make several Christmas decorations for the store. Glitter will probably be involved. Best idea ever?

6. *hides from Monday's gigantimous mail pile*

craftiness, store, izh, quilling

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