Reasons to be happy today (despite self-inflicted sleep debt)

Oct 31, 2008 09:07

1. It's Halloween! I kind of love Halloween. I never dress up because a) I've reached a point in my life where a night in watching old Simpsons Halloween Specials with my peeps is more appealing than going anywhere worth dressing up for, and b) anything worth doing is worth doing better than everyone else and I never have the time/money to come up with a really kick-ass costume. But I still love Halloween, pumpkins, little kids dressed up as Batman and Harry Potter, and of course candy. The whole night is one big celebration of mankind's ability to poke fun at the scary things out there in the night. It's a yearly Festival of Laughing at the Darkness! With bonus sugar-high! Yay Halloween!

2. It's Sam and Dean Day! Okay, it was Sam and Dean Day yesterday, but I'm always a day behind, so.

3. izhilzha is coming to visit tomorrow! We've planned a Couch Potato Day much like the one we had around this time last year. Izh is bringing me more Numb3rs DVDs and plans to convert me to Alias. I think the pixies and I might make her watch an episode of Gilmore Girls, just so she can witness the wonder of the the Banter (to say nothing of squishybaby!Jared Padalecki).


5. Sam-I-Am is a zombie this morning because she stayed up until 2:30 this morning carving awesome pumpkins for tonight. 23 pumpkins, to be precise. Pictures to come. And not that I'm happy that Sam is even more sleep-deprived than I am this morning, but zombie!Sam is really entertaining.

6. Coffee!!

sam, store, izh

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