Happy Gen Fic Day, Stargate fandom!

Oct 27, 2008 09:01

Title: Time Share (O is for Old Age)
Author: kalquessa
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Genre: Gen, Character Study. Humor? Angst? A little of each? Not sure.
Word Count: 948
Characters: Jack, mini!Jack
Season/Spoilers: "Fragile Balance" in particular, Season 10 in general
Rating: G
Warnings: Beta? What is this "beta" of which you speak ( Read more... )

my fanfic, stargate

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Comments 29

maychorian October 27 2008, 16:34:14 UTC
Wow. Funny and hard and poignant. So, so awkward, having a young clone of yourself hanging around. Of course Jack gets all prickly--both 'em. But that last moment was very nice. Thanks for the fic!


kalquessa October 27 2008, 17:29:48 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad it worked, I wasn't sure it would, since I hadn't had time to back away from it at all before posting. Jack tends to treat duplicates of himself as competition for the role of the Best Jack or the Real Jack, or something. So I figured they'd both be kinda prickly, but they each had something the other needed, too, as it turns out. *grin*


suzannemarie October 27 2008, 16:58:05 UTC
Aw, this is lovely. That's a nice touch with the birthday party slant.


kalquessa October 27 2008, 17:31:59 UTC
Thank you! I was pretty happy with how that bit came out, I was worried that it would go too angsty and head-shrinky, but I should have had more faith in Jack's ability to avoid that sort of thing. *grin*


izhilzha October 27 2008, 17:49:16 UTC
Aw, I love this! Both Jacks, meeting up in a completely logical way, and bristling at each other but still understanding each other far too well.


kalquessa October 27 2008, 18:03:26 UTC
Yay, I'm glad you like it! I thought of you while I was writing it, since we talk off and on about writing fic with mini!Jack in Washington (which we should still do at some point when we're both less swamped).


sg_betty October 27 2008, 18:57:48 UTC
They were both totally Jack. How annoying for them! Good character study!


kalquessa October 27 2008, 18:59:55 UTC
How annoying for them!

*laughs* I suspect this is part of why Jack hates having himself duplicated: normally he doesn't have to put up with himself.

Thank you!!


sg_fignewton October 27 2008, 19:24:56 UTC
"Hey, nobody's making you stay,"


No one can out-snide Jack! Except Daniel. And, of course, Jack. :)

...And then this takes a ninety-degree turn into angst, which, of course, is also very Jack.

A nice look at who Jack is. Or will be. Or whatever. :)


kalquessa October 27 2008, 19:43:21 UTC
A nice look at who Jack is. Or will be. Or whatever. :)

*laughs* Yeah, I think it's that last thing.

Thank you for once again running this challenge!


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