Though you're weary and afraid, still you try to flee my blade

Oct 06, 2008 11:50

1. Whining: Dude, you guys, I have been so tired for the past few days. And granted, I did stay up kinda late Friday and Saturday, but not that late, and I was just reading To Kill a Mockingbird, I wasn't out partying or anything. And yet by yesterday afternoon I was cooked, and this morning is an exercise in not falling asleep on my desk because they frown on that kind of thing, here. I blame Supernatural for making me think way, way more than is my wont on Friday.

2. Transformers: Speaking of being cooked yesterday afternoon, Transformers Animated is really the perfect show for when I have lost the ability to think faster than a not-very-fast thing. I love it for that. I also love all the little nods at the old cartoon, and the fact that Weird Al has a recurring character, and Prowl's ninja skillz, and the way the show keeps thumbing its nose at Macross, and the silly, silly attempts at Plot, and the Dinobots, and Jazz, and the fact that Megatron finally got his Deep Sea Lair (Deep Sea Lair! \o/) and BLITZWING!! *hugs him* The whole show just reduces me to a seven-year-old, and I have to mock and fangirl. Ma Bookie even made me an icon of my favorite Blitzwing quote to better enable said fangirling, even though I'm pretty sure no one else cares. *smooshes new icon*

3. The Weather: It rained Saturday! *does ridiculous dance of glee* Only a little tiny bit, but it was rain! And it gave me an excuse to skip washing my car! Which I was too tired to do anyway, so yay!

4. Bookishness: To Kill a Mockingbird continues to be made of Pure, Uncut Awesome. Just to let you know.

5. Writing Progress: I am still working on the Narnia fic, but I'm having to do so while beating of SPN plotbunnies with a really big stick. I guess it's the fact that I'm current with the show, now, and so have time between eps to actually think about them, rather than watching three or five at a time and never really analyzing them because why analyze when you can watch the next one?

6. Cry for Help: Speaking of my Narnia fic, is anyone interested in serving as a beta once it's done? It won't be too terribly long (I can't imagine it going beyond a couple thousand words) but it will be a lot more lyrical and thinky than my usual stuff. Which isn't saying a lot, I guess, but still. Susan does not find her way in this world or return to Narnia by getting free ice-cream or making people glitter-heavy Valentines. Just to warn you.

finish-a-thon, books, transformers, writing

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