Birthday Mockscript: "The Crystal Skull"

Oct 01, 2008 10:20

It is aurora_novarum's birthday today! Aurora makes Stargate fandom a happier place, and she's one of my favorite betas, so I offered to write a parody script of the SG-1 ep of her choosing in honor of the day. She chose "Crystal Skull" from Season 3, which caused me to dance about and squeal in delight because I am extremely mature S3 has some of my favorite ( Read more... )

stargate, parody scripts

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Comments 42

beanpot October 1 2008, 17:49:34 UTC

Yep - it was just that funny. Oh I love fandom birthdays as we all get to share in the glee.


kalquessa October 1 2008, 18:02:38 UTC
Thanks. *grin* Fandom birthdays for the win!


a_loquita October 1 2008, 17:51:09 UTC



kalquessa October 1 2008, 18:29:49 UTC
Yay! *grin* Thank you!


YOU ACTUALLY MADE IT! aurora_novarum October 1 2008, 18:14:34 UTC
Hee! I had to go rec this somewhere before I even finished reading it! That's how much I could not contain my glee over this mockscript. I mean from the very beginning of the "I wanna see the pyramid" whines of Sam and Daniel to the super CGI location and MaGuffin (with bonus backstory), to Daniel-praising when he just wants not to be invisible to the gee we'll be sure to drop back and see you when we want to make things invisible.

I picked a few quotes, but it is too awesome to encapsulate the full amount of my love for this and for you for doing it.

JACK: Well, since I can't see him, I guess now is a good time to say some complimentary things about him to show how highly I really think of him despite my general tendency to be very grouchy and impatient with him. Now help me up.

TEAL'C: *spectacularly fails to do so*


TEAL'C: Taking into account that Doctor Frasier is the only person on this base whose awesomeness rivals my own, it may be wise to adhere to her instructions. *eyebrow*Hee! The awesomeness of Janet and ( ... )


Re: YOU ACTUALLY MADE IT! kalquessa October 1 2008, 18:17:57 UTC
*cracks up* Wow, I'm really glad you like it so much! I had a lot of fun writing it, so thank you for providing incentive and inspiration by being born.

(WHY do they never go back?? WHY?? I just don't understand!!)


Re: YOU ACTUALLY MADE IT! aurora_novarum October 1 2008, 18:25:34 UTC
See, clearly this is an innate talent and you should do more of them right away.

More, Seymour, more! :-D

No, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be greedy well, not too greedy. awesome!


Re: YOU ACTUALLY MADE IT! kalquessa October 1 2008, 18:28:24 UTC
I really should do more of these, I always forget how much I enjoy writing them. Maybe after Finish-a-thon. *makes note to self*


ultranos_fic October 1 2008, 18:22:41 UTC
Aurora pointed me at this.

I think I nearly died laughing. :D

Why, why did they never go back?!

(Also: Hi!)


kalquessa October 1 2008, 18:26:59 UTC
LOL, Hi! Glad it gave you a laugh! I haven't done one of these in a while,and since Aurora occasionally asks when I'm going to write another one, I thought her birthday would be a good reason to stretch the parody muscles.

(P.S. Why??)


ultranos_fic October 1 2008, 18:33:34 UTC
Well, I probably wouldn't have nearly died if I hadn't been sitting in the "quiet" study area on campus. :) I nearly choked! *makes note to not do that again*

You should stretch those parody muscles more often. This is hilarious.

(I DON'T KNOW! Then again, that question could be asked for a lot of things about Stargate. :P )


suzannemarie October 1 2008, 18:37:35 UTC
DANIEL: Hey, it just occurred to me to wonder: how come no one seems to be concerned that Nick is seeing Teal'c without a hat? Anyone?

Silly Daniel. He's a certified crazy person. That creates built-in plausible deniability. :)

Oh, how I love Crystal Skull. Nice parody.


aurora_novarum October 1 2008, 21:21:44 UTC
There's that album cover I know and love. :-D


suzannemarie October 1 2008, 21:33:11 UTC
But of course. Sometimes the icons just assign themselves. :)


kalquessa October 1 2008, 23:42:27 UTC
I out that bit in there about the nostalgic rock band half because I remembered your icon. *grin*


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