In which you decide which plot bunny should eat my brain

Aug 16, 2008 13:36

The Finish-a-thon is open for votes starting today! Go forth and vote for plot bunnies that look like resulting in awesome fic!

I've submitted four plot bunnies this year:

Working title: "Adagio con Anima"
Fandom: Supernatural
Description: An unusual haunting takes Sam and Dean to the choir loft of a struggling church in Wisconsin. Unexplained fires, the Organ Historical Society, and possibly more church music than is really necessary. Casefic, set in Season 1.
Type: gen
Rating: G (PG tops, if I decide to get violent)

Working title: "385 Horses"
Fandom: Supernatural
Description: "The fact of the matter is that she was built to accelerate through obstacles rather than around them." Impala-POV. Moments in Winchester history via the family vehicle.
Type: gen
Rating: G

Working title: "Five Chess Games With Cassandra Frasier"
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Description: Just what it says on the tin. Characters likely to make an appearance (subject to change without notice): Jack, Daniel, Sam, Janet, Teal'c, and possibly Cameron.
Type: gen
Rating: G

Working title: "The Archer Queen"
Fandom: Narnian Chronicles
Description: My own take on Susan during and after The Last Battle. First bit posted here.
Type: gen
Rating: G

Barring unexpected rains of anvils, one of these bunnies will be a full-fledged story by the end of October. The only question now is which one will be given the privilege of causing me angst, wailing, and gnashing of teeth for two months straight. If you would like to cast a vote, click the handy link! You can either vote for the bunny you find most interesting, or you can take a leaf out of carbonelle's book, and vote for the bunny you think will cause the most amusing wig-out on my part. Either way.

finish-a-thon, fanfic, writing

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