Quilling, music, abuse of one character muse

Jun 07, 2008 10:11

Quilling: Getting a ton of quilling done, this morning, having finally realized that things would go a lot faster if I were making my coil and wheat-ear leaves a little more assembly-line style (apply one step to all the strips at once, then go back and do the next step on all at once, etc) rather than making them each completely one at a time. You would think that I could have figured this out a little earlier, given my manufacture/fabrication experience at my father-in-law's sign shop. *headdesk* But anyway: lots and lots of leaves getting made, and my cards are going to be so pretty!

Music: Have I mentioned recently that I love Led Zeppelin? I recently added a huge number of their songs to Chibbles the Cheeky iPod compliments of a friend, and they have been my Official Quilling Music ever since. So much awesome, and since, to quote feliciakw's astute husband, "there is no such thing as 'typical Zeppelin'," you can listen to three hours of their music without getting bored of one sound. Also, izhilzha, for the record, I was apparently lying when I said that "In My Time of Dying" had nothing to do with the SPN episode that uses its title. I must have had it mixed up with another song, because I was listening to it about an hour ago, and was floored by the many ways in which it is a perfect companion for SPN.

Character Muse Abuse: It's my turn to throw paper projectiles at Dean Winchester.

ME: *flick*

DEAN: What?

ME: You're being very uncooperative. *flick*

DEAN: I'm talking to you aren't I?

ME: *flick* Yes, but you're being all angsty.

DEAN: *eyebrow* I don't know if you've noticed, but that's kind of what I do.

ME: *eyeroll* Yeah, but you're usually snarky at the same time. *flick* I need you to bring some funny and stop being so godawful morose. And we need to discuss the narrative voice on that crossover fic.

DEAN: We already finished that thing, it's done.

ME: We finished the first draft. *flick*

DEAN: There's--ow! *pulls paper dart out of ear* There's gotta be more than one?

ME: Yes, that's how it works. *flick*

DEAN: *bats away dart* Dude, enough! It's not my fault you didn't get it right the first time. I'm sick of the time travel crossover. Been there, done that.

ME: Then do something funny for the linked ficlets thing.

DEAN: I have been totally helpful on that thing. Way more helpful than Sam, I might point out. Go bother him for ficlets.

ME: At least what Sam has given me on that has been a nice balance of funny and angsty. You, on the other hand, are playing the All Angst All the Time channel with no commercial breaks. *flick*

DEAN: You keep flicking those at me, you are not going to like what happens.

ME: You keep fighting me on the humor, you are the one who's not going to like it.

DEAN: Please. What are you gonna do?

ME: I'll write you into a crossover with the Coffee of Doom barristas and have Faye abuse you while Raven hits on your brother.

DEAN: You so don't scare me.

ME: *sulks* *flick*

DEAN: Seriously, cut it out. Go play with your paper shapes and glue.

ME: Ugh. You are so aggravating! *flounces out*

supernatural, quilling, arguments with fictional characters, music

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