I really need a quilling icon...

May 25, 2008 22:49

...I should make one when I'm putting off finishing my story tomorrow. In the mean time, random icon with tea! Yay, tea!

(Look, it's really late, and I should be in bed. I'm not. So this post may be a little less coherent than usual. Not that I'm usually that coherent, to begin with. But anyway.)

Finally got pictures of some of my recent quilling projects, so I'm going to show them off like the show-off that I am.

Firstly, my closed coil autumn tree experiment. Did not turn out quite like I'd hoped, but I learned some things, so I'm calling it a win.

I think I'm going to try this type of pattern again, but on a smaller scale. I don't think it quite holds up when it's this big. I was inordinately pleased with the way the trunk came out, because that, at least, looked exactly as I'd pictured it on the first try.

And a gratuitous close-up glory shot of all those leaves, which I made and glued on individually, thank you very much (yes, I am insane).

Next, a couple of floral cards I made last weekend while on the phone with feliciakw (wheat ears and open coils)

A second shot of the second one, because I liked the angle:

I was really pleased with how these came out, overall, though if someone has insight into how you go about gluing things like the stems and tendrils to the cards without getting glue absolutely everywhere, I'd love to hear about it.

And finally, my most recent project: another attempt at a closed coil tree, this one quite different from the first and much prettier, I think.

Sorry, slightly blurry; Ernie took the pictures, and while some came out great, others...didn't.

'Nother self-indulgent glory shot. I really loved the colors on this one, and was just overall pleased with how it turned out.

And now that I've shared the recent fruits of my OCD hobby with you all, I think I shall get me to bed, finally.


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