This jewel caught in my hair

May 14, 2008 19:59

(You get a whole plate of virtual cookies if you recognize the subject line without having to google it.)

So today was largely made of fail. The morning's mail log pile was enormous, the phone would not stop ringing all day, I was incredibly drowsy all afternoon, my skirt was too tight due to the fact that I just spent the last three or four weeks snacking regularly and with zeal on nothing but cookies (occasioning a rare fit of "OMG I am so faaaat" silliness), and I spent a lot of the afternoon fighting with my Stargate fic to no avail. Fail!

Then along came tonight.

I finished my quilling project of doom (pictures to come) while listening to Zeppelin 4.

I ran the Hill for the first time in forever (despite being faaat).

I allowed Mr. Bill to coax me into a discussion of my fic and how it totally wasn't working with me, and he said something that may have jogged loose the exact thing I needed to make the fic consent to be written.

So...I guess the day wasn't a complete waste of mascara, after all.

running, health (or lack thereof), quilling, writing

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