Valentine's quilling

Feb 16, 2008 23:38

So I ended up making Mr. Bill's Valentine a day late due to choir practice and life in general, but it's the thought that counts, right? I was rather pleased with the card I ended up making, even though it was quite simple and a little sloppy (still using those thick construction-paper strips and figuring out how to make them do what I want nine times out of ten).


I was quite pleased with the frog, which I made from memory after seeing a picture of someone else's quilled frog online somewhere. I added the little crown, which took me several attempts to make, since originally I was trying for something much more elaborate (I discovered that when you're working with something this small, simple is better). I should really give my next froggy eyeballs instead of just green circles. Originally there were going to be reeds and more hearts, but I couldn't really make a more complicated layout work, at least not in the limited time that I had before Mr. Bill got home (as it is, he walked in the door to me crying "Don't look, don't look! I'm almost done, go away!").

Also, I would just like to add that if I am one day found on the floor, surrounded by tiny paper shapes, jibbering about squares and leaves and rocking back and forth, unresponsive? I want the blame to rest soundly on the shoulders of supplyship, who got me hooked on this madness. I am going to go insane trying to make perfectly symmetrical snowflakes and it's going to be her fault. *firm nod*


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