I am not at all sure how I feel about
Because on one hand, I am on record as being thoroughly opposed to "niche" Bible translations, especially ones that go beyond having hip cover art and actually contain hip verbiage, too. I can't see what's so wrong with the KJV and the NAS (and, if you really must, the NIV, though I don't see why you'd want one if you've got a perfectly good NAS, and tell those kids to get off my lawn! *waves cane*). Why do we need all these versions translated into Teen-ese or whatever?
On the other hand, how can I not buy a copy, just to see the Son of God portrayed as a dark samurai stranger who comes to town seeking revolution and revolt. Because even if the theological message turns out to be rubbish...it's Christ as samurai.
(Also, what in the name of little green apples is this giant blue menu that keeps popping up and getting underfoot? LJ, why do you do these things to me? Could someone get in touch with our new Russion Overlords and communicate my extreme displeasure? Thanks.)