
Jan 26, 2008 16:29

So supplyship posted about quilling a couple of weeks ago, and her post kind of made me want to try it for myself. Basically, quilling is taking strips of paper and winding/curling/squishing them into different shapes, the goal being to make some kind of pleasing picture or pattern with your shapes. I went to Michael's and purchased quilling strips (very cheap, rather thick and ungainly ones) and a quilling tool, and today I spent an inordinant amount of time making various shapes and curly things. I was so pleased with my new method of time-wasting hobby that I thought I'd post the results of my first attempt!

All of my practice shapes, plus a few that the pixies made:

A close-up for my flower:

Various attempts at various shapes, some more successful than others:

Some attempts at using multiple strips in various ways:

And finally, a cool eye...thing...that I was particularly pleased with:

photo posts, quilling

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