Notes various from the weekend

Dec 17, 2007 10:35

1. I got to "skip=110" on my friendslist (the journals only filter, I didn't even try to read it with all the comms in) and I have finally given up. If you had something posted over the weekend that I need/want/should see, leave a comment.

2. Weekly chess game: why do I stink so much at chess?! I actually managed, using nothing but my own brain and skill, to bring Mr. Bill only a few moves away from checkmate. I danced in my chair and made small, gleeful noises. I then made a spectacularly ill-advised move that set off a chain reaction of fail, eventually resulting in my utter and unavoidable demise. I am the final authority on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, people. No wonder I always play the South when we use the Gettysburg board.

3. So, having watched all ten seasons of Stargate in well under a year, I finally got around to seeing the original movie, last night. Well, seeing it again, since I saw it once right after it came out on VHS, but remembered very little beyond the fact that the premise was cool but the execution underwhelming. Dude, you guys. RDA > Kurt Russel. And James Spader as Daniel didn't wig me as badly as I expected. Most entertaining was watching the Gate, rings, staff weapons, etc--things that have long since become mundane in the show--be treated as these scary new dangerous things. Hee! Also, the movie is apparently the font of many of the show's tropes: temporary death, accidental marriage, Daniel getting his brain partially fried...Sam wasn't around to have any aliens fall in love with her, and no alien copies of Jack, alas, but maybe that's just as well, since we're talking about the O'Neil-with-one-L Jack.

4. Where is Connie Willis keeping all the awesome, and why isn't she sharing? Remake is excellent if a tad depressing at the outset. Bellweather is next.

5. Clearly, Willis is sharing at least a little of her hoarded awesome, since Bruce Catton so impressed me with Reflections on the Civil War that I'm starting Book 1 of his giant Centennial series. Dude. I'm reading non-fiction of my own free will. Someone call CNN.

6. My husband is the best husband in ever, and knows when to make me go snuggle in bed instead of angsting pointlessly about Christmas shopping that I can't even do at the moment. Mr. Bill is equal to awesome. Even though he beats me at chess.

american civil war, books, i fail at chess, stargate

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