Notes from the weekend

Sep 17, 2007 08:54

- I had way too much fun writing my episode summary for redial_the_gate. So much fun, indeed, that I got very little else done on Saturday. I may have to go back and crop out large sections of it, though, because it is monstrous in size.

- I need to start going to the gym again and get back to fencing, swimming, strength training or something more calorie-burning than the thrice-weekly run. I miss all the food I could eat when most of it was being allocated to muscle-repair.

- I won a game of chess! This is a momentous occasion for me, though I only won because I was playing Soupy, whose approach to the game is almost as slap-dash as my own (also, I had to have my own victory explained to me--who knew I had been planning a brilliant three-headed pincer attack on Soupy's King? Not I--and be coached into making the correct winning move, so it probably doesn't count as a real win). We were playing with the Gettysburg set, Soupy playing the Army of the Potomac while I commanded the Confederates. I managed a bit of unintentional historical accuracy by accidentally allowing him to capture both my knights in the first few minutes of play and so fought the entire battle without cavalry. (Damnit, where is Stuart!) I then managed to get my Queen taken by a pawn. ("That's my wife," said Mr. Bill fondly.) I still won, though, sort of, and almost on purpose, even!

- I was trying to read North & South and not making much headway. (I just...didn't care. And there were random, unexplained POV shifts mid-paragraph and that is one of my biggest pet peeves of all time.) I wanted to read another Civil War book, but what I really wanted was another Connie Willis book. Cue Lincoln's Dreams appearing at the used book store! Hooray, I get both!

- Speaking of which, Lincoln's Dreams is good so far, but I haven't had time to read much, yet. Definitely a bleak, dark book, we shall see if I like it. Willis's introduction alone is chilling. How is this woman so awesome, and how has it taken me this long to discover her?

- Season 10 of Stargate: SG-1 is, at this moment, winging its way to me. *licks chops in anticipation*

- I found a random, un-loved boonie while unpacking for Ma Bookie and K Rose. They both say it isn't theirs, so now it is mine. *sings* Daniel hat, Daniel hat!

- Oh, and if you wanted me to see something you posted over the weekend, leave a comment. I didn't have much time for the internets, what with the writing and the reading and the chess.

american civil war, books, i fail at chess, stargate

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