Obviously, I need more coffee.

Sep 12, 2007 10:59

Today is officially the Day of Synaptic Misfires. I say this because this morning when Mr. Bill and I were having morning prayer, and he said "The Lord be with you," I responded not with the traditional "And with thy spirit," but by saying "And may I say who is calling?"


I think my brain just stuttered for a second and when it went to open the file of hard-wired responses to verbal prompts, it came up with the wrong one. At least it still started with "and."

And just now, when I went to ask a client if he'd like coffee (another hard-wired verbal response) I asked him for his phone number, as if I were taking a phone message. Okay, now I'm kind of scared that I'm going to start exclaiming "I couldn't tackle the bear!" like in that one House episode. Moar coffee!
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