Fic recs

Aug 22, 2007 11:18

Okay, peeps, in the wake of DH I'm in the mood for Harry Potter fic, and I turn to you, my trusty friendslist denizens, to aid me in my time of need. Rec me some HP? I prefer gen to anything shippy, though I don't mind the occasional dose of canon ship, as long as it doesn't get in the way of the action or the funny. I'm particularly hungry for DH-related fic, but recs for any and all good HP fic are being accepted.

I have some more specific requests and some fic recs of my own, but they should probably go under a cut, just to be scrupulous about spoilers.

"Picking up the pieces" and "after the war" type stuff is cool, but what I really, really want is stuff about Neville, Luna and the rest of the DA and what they got up to at Hogwarts while the trio were out hunting Horcruxes, falling into traps and being cranky with each other.

The following are two fics I've already read,by way izhilzha:

"Summer Holidays" by penknife - My favorite so far. Hermione-centric, with a healthy side order of Neville love and some surprisingly touching Malfoy emotional aftermath.

"Seven Photographs" by casirafics - I'm uncertain how I feel about the Remus/Tonks snippet at the beginning, and I look dubiously upon the practice of calling McGonagall "Headmaster" rather than "Headmistress" but these snippets are very good indeed and the last one in particular is something I really would have liked to see in the book.

Links to other HP fanfic that I've enjoyed and rec'd in the past can be found here, here, and here.

Aaand let the reccing begin!

fanfic, fl love, harry potter

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