
Apr 27, 2007 08:39

1. I am departing this afternoon for Colorado! I'll be there for a week and plan to spend most of my time sleeping, hiking and sight-seeing. Also attending Soupy's college graduation, which is ostensibly the reason I'm going to CO in the first place. I haven't had an honest-to-God vacation (as in a period of leisure time that exceeds four days in length) in almost four years, so I'm pretty darned excited about this trip (see icon).

2. House M.D. is a trap and a snare. Technically, I've known this since I first discovered the show back in October, but I had the truth of the thing driven home last night when my brother-in-law brought home the Season 1 DVDs. I had planned to go for a run, get some packing done, take a short muscle-relaxing bath with a Terry Pratchett novel and go to bed early. What I actually did was watch four episodes of House with the brother-in-law's girlfriend. I tried to escape from the gravitational pull force of callous sarcasm no less than three times, and three times I was drawn inexorably back to the couch. So I'm no better rested than I have been any other day this week, my neck and shoulders are still wound into a knot and I'll be doing that packing this afternoon. *grumbles*

3. My brain is turning square from all the TV I've been watching. I'm chaperoning girlwslingshot's introduction to the X-Files on Tuesdays and she is chaperoning my introduction to Battlestar Galactica on Fridays. Then there's my continuing Stargate addiction, which I'm currently feeding with fanfic and the occasional episode of Atlantis while waiting from the S10 DVDs. I'm also watching Firefly on laundry nights and indulging in the pure crack that is House, so amusingly, my brain doesn't know which characters to have hypnagogic hallucinations about just before and after sleep. So it's doing its best to pack in characters from as many different shows at once as possible. The resulting dream-state dialogs are very...weird.

4. My phone here at work has been one for exactly five minutes, and I've already had a call from one very crazy person. It may be one of those days.


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