Fic: Retail Price

Apr 25, 2007 13:10

Still trying to nail the voices of various SG-1 members. Thought I'd give Cameron and the rest of the S9 team a shot. Not 100% satisfied with the result (Sam still fights me on occasion and snippy!Daniel is harder to strike a balance with than I expected), but it made me chuckle, so I thought I'd share. At this rate I will post nothing but random ( Read more... )

my fanfic, stargate

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Comments 15

ellenmillion April 25 2007, 20:43:09 UTC
Always a treat! Can't speak for Cam, having seen none of Season 9, but the rest reads very true, except this:

"You know how lock-picking is one of my specialties?" Sam grinned. "Let's just say that we should probably get your purchase and release out of the way soon before our friend in the leather shirt decides to check his cash box." She decided she wouldn't mention how much she had enjoyed her brief venture into cat burglary.

The first statement is unneccessary - just start with Sam grinned. IMHO.


kalquessa April 25 2007, 20:45:15 UTC
You may be right about that. Sam tends to start with explanations a lot, which is why I kept that in, but it's not like the team would need reminding that she can pick locks. Thanks for the input!


ellenmillion April 25 2007, 21:56:22 UTC
Oh, good point. But her explanations are usually more technical and less focused on what she can do. Maybe something about the pin and tumbler system* they use for locks on this planet being similar to the lock configurations of Earth.

*tosses those pennies in*

Seriously, though, these short pieces you've been posting are highlights of my week! :P

*I know nothing about locks, so totally random terms thrown in here...


kalquessa April 25 2007, 22:20:16 UTC
I am sorry to tell you that I once was so bored that I looked up two or three different sets of step-by-step instructions on how to pick a tumbler lock. So theoretically I know exactly how Sam picked the lock.

But excellent suggestion! Sam doesn't say "I can do this" she says "This is the same thing as X, which is composed of Y and Z and reacts to A by blowing up." Or something like that. Thanks for helping me iron out my thought process, there.

Oh, and glad you enjoy the random ficlet things! I have fun writing them.


izhilzha April 26 2007, 18:07:30 UTC
Okay, you nailed Cameron (he's got an easy voice, imo, a very distinctive cadence), and nice work on the rougher Danny snark we're getting post-Jack.

"And now look, you've gone and made yourself expensive."


Also...does Daniel really speak twenty-tree languages? ;-)


kalquessa April 26 2007, 18:19:50 UTC
Also...does Daniel really speak twenty-tree languages? ;-)

Yes. Daniel is fluent in several coniferous and deciduous forms of communication and can passably communicate in dozens more. His specialties are common and coastal pine as well as aspen, and he's working on ginkgo, which presents a challenge, being its own subspecies.

*goes away to fix spelling*


izhilzha April 26 2007, 18:38:06 UTC
I love having you on my flist, truly. :-) (Now one of us needs to write about Daniel learning the language of a sentient tree!)


kalquessa April 26 2007, 18:54:06 UTC
And I love being on your flist! You inspire me to greater and greater heights of geekitude!


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