Birthday Crackfic for Izh!

Apr 23, 2007 14:34

It appears to be izhilzha's birthday. I cannot give her coffee or chocolate from this far away, so a post with her favorite icon and some half-baked Stargate drabbleness with silly alternate universes and flagrantly non-canon abuse of the Quantum Mirror will have to suffice ( Read more... )

fanfic, my fanfic, izh, stargate

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Comments 19

izhilzha April 23 2007, 21:45:42 UTC
Ahhahahahahaha! OMG, that's brilliant. Way too brilliant for words. Meshing our original team and an alt-team that resembles the season 9-10 team. And Jack as a rock star. That's fantastic! :-D

Couldn't ask for a better present. Thank you so much!


kalquessa April 23 2007, 22:09:11 UTC
Hee. Glad it made you laugh, since that's really all I was hoping for. I kind of wish Cam and Jonas could have worked together at some point. They're both so enthusiastic and uninhibited, I think they would have bounced off one another amusingly. Plus they're both so cute! *squishes the cute boys*


jd3000 April 23 2007, 21:47:03 UTC
And to go with this most fun and silly fic, I've procured a video FROM that very same AU!!!!



kalquessa April 23 2007, 22:05:26 UTC
I can't see this yet, because I'm at work, but I have a sinking feeling that I know exactly which youtube clip you have posted here. I was cruising the Richard Dean Anderson clips there one weekend and...there was this one...I think I might need therapy.


jd3000 April 23 2007, 22:08:58 UTC
Dahaha! That was the point when the free and flowing longhair of the Seventies was evolving into the magnificently sculpted MacGyver Mullet we all know and love.



feliciakw April 23 2007, 22:12:06 UTC
I . . I . . . I'm speechless. I'd heard of Ricky D, but . . . I'm sure these tears in my eyes are from laughter . . .


ellenmillion April 23 2007, 22:28:00 UTC
*dies happy*


kalquessa April 23 2007, 22:41:57 UTC
Hee hee, glad you enjoyed!


cofax7 April 23 2007, 22:31:48 UTC

Oh, Jack will never let Sam or Daniel forget this.


kalquessa April 23 2007, 22:41:20 UTC
*laughs* I know, I'm imagining him bringing it up on a regular basis for the rest of his life. "You know, in another universe, I was a rock star." Thanks for the comment!


feliciakw April 23 2007, 23:39:17 UTC
"You know, in another universe, I was a rock star."

I can totally here RDA saying this line.

I hsould have replied earlier, but I was in shock from the vid. A delightful little bit of humor. Hee!


kalquessa April 23 2007, 23:44:07 UTC
Heh, if it's the vid I think it is (can't see it at work) then I can relate to the shock. I'm amazed you have access to your language centers at all after that. *laughs* Thanks for the comment, they make my day!


kerravonsen April 24 2007, 01:11:43 UTC

"Of course there's also the fact that he died last year. Drug overdose."

Aye, the sting in the tale.


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