
Mar 31, 2007 10:11

Fanfiction.net does not like my parody scripts. I can tell because every time I try to upload one as a story, their program strips out all the brackets that I use to denote new scene locations and non-verbal actions. Stupid fascist program. *goes away grumbling to clean bathroom*

fanfic, parody scripts

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Comments 4

ctrl_a March 31 2007, 17:30:59 UTC
I think somewhere FF.net says they don't like scripts. Which is too bad, because it means they'll no longer host such wonderful things as evadne_noel's awesome Breadbox Editions.

But aside from that, FF.net is also a nazi about punctuation in increasingly dumb ways. Here are some workarounds you might find useful.


kalquessa March 31 2007, 17:52:22 UTC
How depressing that one must go to so much work in order to get the story to look the way it should. Oh well, I don't think I'm up to that level of code-hacking skullduggery. The parody scripts will have to languish on my LJ. :P


amberdulen March 31 2007, 18:10:07 UTC
On my one book, it managed to strip: points of ellipses, em-dashes, asterisks, and combinations of ^ and _ too close together. Luckily, I got most of my stuff up before FF.N went crazy.


feliciakw March 31 2007, 21:10:33 UTC
I am extremely put out that FF. net won't take scripts or stories with embedded editorial comments, as my very first 'Net-published fic was, in fact, written in script format with random editorial asides included. My readers loved it (someone even accused me of writing scripts for a living), and it was completely in keeping with the feel of the show. I even had people say that they usually hate reading scripts, but that they'd definitely read mine.

FF.net doesn't know what it's missing.


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