Things you did not need to know

Dec 20, 2006 11:30

1. Today my nylons are too tight, causing discomfort and loss of blood circulation to brain. To this I say "blah".

2. The locker rooms at the gym are closed for the week, so tonight I have to change in the office restrooms and then dive for the elevators with all speed, hoping that no one here sees me in a tank-top and basketball shorts.

3. I so have a great and t00by crush on Daniel Jackson. And this is even before he gets his hair cut short and becomes genuinely hot! It's the geek-in-glasses thing. I am powerless against it. In case this is not sufficiently obvious, just look at who I married. See? Powerless.

4. I cannot figure out what to get my grandma for Christmas. Yes, I am aware of the fact that Christmas is a scant five days away. It is all very perturbing.


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