Update of random (with pictures!)

Mar 05, 2006 22:05

Two pictures of Mr. Bill that actually look like him! Amazing! As you can see, Mr. Bill is made of wonderful. His fat cat, Mo, on the other hand, is made of evil. They balance each other out pretty well.

These were taken with a cell phone camera, and the lighting is...wonky...so please don't think that our house is really a raging amber-colored inferno. It's actually quite nice, in person.

Mr. Bill is being uncharacteristically serious, here. Perhaps it is the influence of the being of pure evil resting with her chin on his shoulder.

In other news, had lovely belated birthday celebration at the Ancestral Abode today, a celebration which included flowers, brownies, cigars, books and gift cards to Nordstrom's. Also, we finally saw "MirrorMask" at the in-laws tonight. Cool movie. Very, very weird, but nonetheless cool. I enjoyed muchly.

Now to bed! I went shopping with some gift money Saturday, and now have some pretty new sweaters for work. Nothing softens the return to work on Monday like a pretty new sweater.

felines, photo posts

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