gardening makes me grumpy

Jan 07, 2008 14:29

  1. gigantic said just about everything I wanted to say about the Brendon drama already, so yay, that saves me some typing.
  2. Despite being pretty weirded out that apparently my last entry is showing up on the first page of Google results for "Tom Conrad livejournal" and the second page for "Tom Conrad fanfiction," I'm not turning off Google indexing on my LJ. I've got a bunch of reasons, including how terrible I am at finding things in my own blog without Googling for them, but it mostly boils down to - we're not going to get fanfic to disappear from Google. It's not happening. The best we're going to do is get most of the saner, more intelligent, less Quizilla-like fanfic to disappear. And so I guess my feeling is that it's not such a bad thing to be more visible than that other kind of fan activity, since we're not going to become completely invisible at this point anyway, and I'm willing to take that hit (especially because, uh, I don't WRITE about Tom.) I totally understand if you disagree; I struggled with this, and I'm not entirely comfortable with it still.
  3. I have a new layout! I suddenly had a REALLY VIOLENT reaction of distaste to my old layout, and I have no idea why. I didn't even screencap the old one in my desperation to change it, which is a little sad, because I had that for a while! Thnks fr th mmrs, old layout. :(
  4. A secret message to someone who might be reading this:
    and then they went on to say that the Pearly Gates
    have such eloquent graffiti
    like: “we'll meet again” and “fuck the Man”
    and “tell my mother not to worry”
  5. I'm so greedy for new canon. I can't believe I used to be in fandoms where canon was an hour long once a week for 22 weeks. How did I even handle that?
  6. Wait, I have one thing left to say about Brendon, I'm sorry, I know this could all be fabricated and I'm being wankier than I want to. But - it's just that when we're women in a slash-dominant RPF fandom, fangirling men, it's easy - it's way too easy - to slur the distinction between acceptable and unacceptable behavior, because we care about them, we like them, we respect them, we want them to be good people and we want to defend them. And I just want to make sure we take a step back and remember that this girl might wear a lot of make-up, she might want to be with someone famous, she might look different than, say, Jamia and we might think she's weaker than Jamia and we might not admire her, but none of that means it's okay for Brendon to treat her the way that letter said he treated her. I don't care about the kink, I don't care about the casual sex - I care about the fact that he acted like a gigantic douche. It's just not remotely okay, and nothing about who she is or what she did makes her deserve being treated like that by anyone. Fuck that shit.
  7. Oh my God, surely I have something less controversial to say. Ummmmmm. I CHANGED MY PROFILE LAYOUT TOO, GUYS.
  8. OH HEY, wait, I do have something cool to tell you! My bff went to the Dresden Dolls concert in NYC on New Year's Eve, and then afterwards came to the party I was at. She started telling me about how awesome it was, and how great they were, and then this happened:

    Meela: Man, and there was this super-hot bellydancer -
    Me: Oh! Was her name Katie Kay?
    Meela: O_O

    So yeah, Katie Kay's still hanging with Amanda Palmer! Write me some porn about THAT, if you please.

bandom, patd, rl, meta, girlslash, feminism

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