can't handle it, can't handle it

Oct 20, 2007 19:51

So some advice: never underestimate the power of teenies to wait in line! I got there late, because I am a terrible person, and as a result we were in line for freaking ever.

We were getting near the front when I suddenly realized I had literally nothing for Pete and Joe to sign. Not even a crumpled receipt. Unless... I had brought some work along? Well, I didn't even have a notebook, but I did have my Latin text. So, uhm. Pete Wentz and Joe Trohman have both signed the cover of my copy of the Letters of Pliny the Younger, in the original Latin. Oh yes. The conversation went a little something like this:

Me: Uhm, I didn't have anything else for you to sign?
Pete: *flips the book over, reads the back cover* Uh, I haven't read it.
Me: ...don't.
Pete: Oh, it's not good?
Me: It's pretty awful, yeah.
Pete: For school?
Me: Yup.

YES. OH YES, MY PRETTIES. THIS IS MY ONE AND ONLY CONVERSATION WITH PETER LEWIS KINGSTON WENTZ. Recommending that he not read the correspondence of the younger Pliny. *headdesk* My life, let me show you it.

It was definitely fun times hanging out with provetheworst and pre_emptive in line, and breakfast at the Pick Me Up was indeed delicious. etben joined us later on in the day. We didn't get any t-shirts, because of the way they were hustling people through the store, but we know where it is and we can go back another time.

Oh, and one other thing did happen. After the signing, Jori had the urge to stick needles in her face, like you do, and took us all to the Alley. She ended up deciding against getting anything pierced, for various reasons - and that's when I looked up and realized I'd signed some papers. Uhm. Oops?

So I have a vertical labret now!! \o/ I'd show it to you, internet, but I don't have a camera. It looks totally freaking awesome, and the piercer was very nice, and even though it didn't occur to me until right then to get that particular piercing, I kind of love it to death. Poor impulse control ftw!

After the unpremeditated piercing shenanigans, etben and I headed over to the Apple store, where I made another appointment (having missed the one I set up yesterday). We ate dinner (carefully, on my part) and went back again, and then they told me that my hard drive was utterly fucked. (Technical term.) They probably can't even recover any data. Awesome. And there were other problems, too! Thankfully, oh so thankfully, I have the extended warranty, so in about a week I will have 1) a new iSight camera, 2) a new hard drive, 3) a new battery, and 4) a new casing where it's chipped on the front. All free of charge.

Uhhh hi this is the best news I have ever heard.

So in a week, darlings, I will hopefully have a much much better computer to work with. Yaaaay! Apple store, ilu so hard. Me/Apple store otp for cereal.

meetups, bandom, rl, chicago, plkw3

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