
Jul 10, 2007 18:00

Time for another installation in the ongoing series, Bandom Canon Hannah Loves! Sans, of course, any kind of transitions or coherent organization.
  • This interview in the Onion AV Club, in which our very own P-money charms the pants right off the interviewer (metaphorically, I can only assume). The interview itself is completely great, but it's the comments that are lolarious - full of people being all, "OMG I HATE PEEN WENTZ but this guy seems okay?" and also saying things like "I wouldn't have a problem with Fall Out Boy if they would just a) admit they suck and b) die in a fire." ??? The best part, though, is when the interviewer shows up in the comments to defend Patrick! "OMG YOU GUYS HE IS SO NICE I AM SERIOUS." Ohhhh, PATRICK. I have to admit that, while I love Pete with all of my heart and soul, it's still true that one of the major things he has going for him in my book is that Patrick likes him. Because that boy is made of maaaaagic.
  • My general approach to canon is, and always has been, to love it. If a piece of canon comes out that I Do Not Love? I try and find some way of thinking that makes it AMAZING. And if I can't, I go to my friends, to see if THEY have any way of thinking about it that makes it amazing. I find that this is a really nice way to live, to be honest! And good for my blood pressure! SOOOO THE NEW PANIC SONG. Obviously, the lyrics = shitty. I think this is pretty clear! But you guys, you guys, beingothrwrldly and quettaser have successfully convinced me that this canon, like all other bandom canon ever, IS FANTASTIC. Oh my God, Ryan Ross, you tremendous wonderful asshole. I LOVE YOU, YOU DOUCHE. NEVER CHANGE.
  • LOL at Pete in that Live Earth interview (I think? It was some recent interview, anyway) being like, "Transformers was good, I guess, but that one transformer totally did not have that power in canon omg." DOOOOORK. Here, I saved you a pocket protector to go with the sequins. YOU COULD PUT THE SEQUINS ON THE POCKET PROTECTOR! Oh right, you are queeny but not quite that queeny, I forgot. I want to link him to that Transformers slashfic so bad, y'all, SO BAD. You have no idea the restraint I am showing right now.

  • Lately, people have been texting me their casting for bandprincesses. I cannot even convey in words how much this pleases me.

    I've been really out of touch lately, and I want to talk to you guys!!! But I don't have the energy to figure out how that meme that's been going around works, so, uh. I know it involves five questions? SO ASK ME SOME QUESTIONS, I GUESS. If that isn't how it works, I don't really care! We will pretend this is a NEW meme. Ask me five questions of any kind, and I will answer them, GO.

bandom, challenges, patd, links, plkw3, p$

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