Gay is sometimes a synonym for fantastic

May 31, 2007 02:28

A couple of notes:
  1. We... win? *tentative Paul Gross arms*
  2. You should still join fandom_counts, because, well. History does tend to repeat itself. Also, it's fun to watch the member count climb!
  3. My birthday was made of awesome! I had good food with great friends and got an adorable haircut in an interesting neighborhood I'd never been to before. A++ all ( Read more... )

bandom, rl, meta, fandom, plkw3, music, p$

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kalpurna May 31 2007, 10:36:37 UTC
Yay, thanks! I'm glad you liked it! :D

Dude, I have a LOT more trouble figuring out what this song is supposed to mean in the actual lifes than in my slashy interpretation. I mean, ugh, I guess it's about... Ashlee? But I honestly don't think the timing works out for that one. Or, well, when did he start dating her? I don't know, blah, RPS canon is so confusing.

I think we should probably keep in mind that yeah, not all songs are non-fiction, and this might be more about some speculative future "you" than Patrick anyone specific. But on the other hand, Pete writes about his own life much more than many lyricists do. So, uhm. I don't have a clue, is basically what I'm saying here.

On the other hand, no matter who it's about, how much do I love that Pete is apparently ready to look for a non-destructive relationship? LOTS. Oh, Pete, please: no more Bad Dating Decisions! At least Ashlee hasn't, as far as we know, cheated on you. (Twice.) (In the same weekend.)

And re: the title - I KNOW. I mean, GOD, PETE, WHAT IS WITH THAT NOISE. Usually the titles have some sort of marginal relationship to the material, right? They're not, like, picked out of a HAT? Not that I'm complaining! One little song title has never brought so many people so much joy, for serious.


farwing May 31 2007, 11:26:23 UTC
I love your speculation. It fills me with glee. I am going to see FOB today! yay!

not all songs are non-fiction

In my personal experience (I write songs, and sing them to myself, and a lot of my favorite artists write songs that are very clearly fictional- but it's funny, because there are so many artists who write songs which could be true. God, I love music and lyrics that matter.), most songs are totally made up. I mean, the emotions are real, but the content is not. But it's tons of fun to figure them out anyway.


kalpurna May 31 2007, 12:23:32 UTC
YAY! OMG, I am so excited for my HCT date I could puke. :D

And absolutely, dude. I'm not a composer at all, but I'm a dabbler in poetry, which seems similar. AUTHOR ≠ NARRATOR! Even when it's in first person! *glares into the past at Certain Members of her poetry class*

But wow, I'm having a lot of fun treating the lyrics as canon texts to interpret - even though I know most of what I come up with will be totally off base. It's such an interesting kind of canon to work with, like a combination of poetry analysis and interview interpretation and slash goggles and imagination. Oh, bandom, I love you so! ♥


farwing May 31 2007, 14:19:26 UTC
(I confess that I merely like FOB, and find them amusing, but I have a really unhealthy degree of love for MCR. But expect to have a blast at the concert this evening regardless.)

And hi! I added you to my flist and I spend a horrifying amount of time reading your friends list for all things bandslash related. So...that sounds creepy and stalker-like. Really, I'm just a huge, harmless dork.

I'm not a composer at all, but I'm a dabbler in poetry, which seems similar. AUTHOR ≠ NARRATOR! Even when it's in first person! *glares into the past at Certain Members of her poetry class*

Yes! See, my favorite musicians are poets- their songs are poetry put to music. Lyrics are the most important thing to me- I'm a very word-obsessed person, and I love music, and I'm not saying I don't listen to music with ridiculous lyrics, but most of the stuff I love beyond reason is poetry set to music. (Like, Thea Gilmore and Richard Thompson are poets and musicians at the same time and I love them for that. Love.)

See, bandom is where songfic makes the most sense to me. The lyrics and music are cannon. I mean, they are what these people do for a living, and sure we're wearing slash goggles, but it's totally a from of poetry, which is always open to interpretation. And I totally miss my college poetry classes like woah.

In conclusion: bandom is love!


fayemeadows May 31 2007, 12:50:30 UTC
I mean, ugh, I guess it's about... Ashlee? But I honestly don't think the timing works out for that one. Or, well, when did he start dating her?

Okay, this is not a dig to her (because I don't care if Pete dates her I just don't think she should be famous as she is, um, lacking talent) but I highly doubt even if it's about a woman it's about Ashlee. I don't see that as being a long-term thing. If you look at the people Pete gravitates towards, Ashlee appears to be the total opposite. Which, hey, maybe she's all emotional fucked too and they really connect, awesome, whatever, but I don't feel it.

And I love that song too. Although the first time I heard it some of what I *thought* Patrick was saying had me damn near crying with laughter.


greyandgrey May 31 2007, 20:06:31 UTC
Ok, now I'm really curious about what you thought he was saying.

Is it as good as Jimi Hendrix "'Scuse me while I kiss this guy" screw-up?
(Actual lyrics being "'scuse me while I kiss the sky")


fayemeadows June 1 2007, 15:36:26 UTC
Hahaha, yeah. Um, I still hear him sing "everyone wants to dry hump through the night" in the first stanza and something about fingering himself later in the song. That song makes me giggle a ridiculous amount.

Although, honestly, it took months for me to understand that the 2nd stanza of "Sugar" wasn't "tell mommy I'm watching youtube from the closet". :D


greyandgrey June 1 2007, 18:30:01 UTC
ha! that's awesome.


kalpurna June 1 2007, 02:17:23 UTC
Well, on the other hand, she does seem to treat him better and make him happier than a lot of his other exes, so, I don't know. More power to her, I guess. She has good taste in men! :D

Hahahahaha OH PATRICK, please don't ever learn to enunciate, it is much funnier this way.


fayemeadows June 1 2007, 03:33:04 UTC
Yes, the Simpson woman are *fabulous* at finding men who are about a million times more talented than they are. :D

Seriously. Between "dry hump through the night" and something about fingering himself around the third stanza my jaw was on the floor. I thought Pete had lost his everlovin' mind! Patrick! Speak CLEARLY!


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