Happy Birthday, Patrick! I'll still write underage porn about you.

Apr 27, 2007 19:58

So, yesterday was an eventful day! After classes, I went home to put away my bag and change my clothes, and then got on the bus to go meet shoemaster and etben in Belmont. Which went suprisingly well! I did not get lost at all, even though I was taking a different route than usual! Except coming off the train, when Allison insisted on saying things like, "You go east! Away from the Walgreens!" while I shouted angrily, "THERE IS NO WALGREENS, YOU NUTJOB," and nice men in business suits pointed helpfully in three different directions at once. BUT, I eventually found the Starbucks Allison kept insisting did exist. (It was to the right. She could have said TURN RIGHT.) And then I sat down for some lovely bandslash chatter and hot chocolate with my girls.

"So, where's madsciencechick?" I asked, since I was (as I always, always, always am) late, and I figured that she'd have already gotten there. Which is when I got clued in to the saga of MSC's terrible, horrible, no-good very bad travel day. Let it suffice to say: she took 7.5 hours to get from St. Louis to her hotel, and for the last two hours, she was in Chicago.

But we littlest Chicago fangirls are nothing if not resourceful in ways to entertain ourselves, and so we decided to wander over to the Hollywood Mirror while we waited for our poor guest to arrive. I fell instantly in love. After twenty minutes, I had declared categorically that I was not leaving without a sequined, sparkly, horrible dress in a revolting color; unfortunately, I was thwarted in this by my body: the short hot pink number wouldn't go down over my ass, and the floor-length purple one wouldn't zip up over my boobs. A SAD STATE OF AFFAIRS. But it was still not a wasted shopping trip, because I? Am now the proud owner of $5 Frank Iero gloves! Yes, THESE Frank Iero gloves:

HOORAY. Allison got matching ones, and etben got a fabulous pinstriped fedora, and we flaunted our purchases all night long like the tremendous dorks we are. And then, after a brief foray into the Walgreens which did, in fact, exist, where we marveled at the variety of sex supplies available (did you know they sold disposable vibrating cock rings? Doesn't that knowledge fill you with JOY?), we headed to Giordano's and ordered a pizza so that when madsciencechick showed up, we could start eating immediately. And then she did! And she was adorable, and exhausted, and fun, and cute, and bubbly. I can't even remember what all we talked about, but I had a fantastic time. I know there was lots of bandslash chatter, because it is my MISSION to recruit more people to this fandom.

After dinner, we made a mad-cap dash for the CTA, so that we could meet jscavalcante for dessert before her hotel restaurant closed. This resulted in the comedic spectacle of the other two girls bounding eagerly ahead in search of the hotel, while MSC and I puffed along desperately in their wake. Athletes, we are not. (Perhaps we can be INTERNET athletes???) jscavalcante's hotel was mad classy, and her kids were truly adorable, and dessert was unutterably delicious, and the conversation was wonderful. And oh my God, there were GIFTS. jscavalcante brought us each something lovely (I got RCMP playing cards! AWESOME!) and madsciencechick brought entire freaking GIFT BAGS. I don't want to spoil anyone who she hasn't gotten to yet on her amazing world tour, but they were fucking kickass, and mine had an mpreg joke in it. ♥ Oh, I love fangirls more than anything.

meetups, rl

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