I really, fundamentally don't get fic or pairings where one partner is defined as being always the top, or always the bottom. [Disclaimer: this does not mean that I have not read and adored particular fics of this type, only that I had to overcome my issues to like them.] I guess you could call this a squick, of a sort, except that it's not a
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On the butch-femme thing, I know a lot of people who joke about it but don't take it seriously, sort of like astrology. At the same, though, mostly they seem to have seized on their particular relationship to traditional feminity and won't vary from it, and tend to get uncomfortable if you vary from however they've pegged you. It seems like roles just get in under your guard whether you want them to or not.
I'm not sure I get what you're saying, exactly - is it that lots of people tend to seize onto roles for themselves, even if they're pretty liberated? Or is it that people tend to pick out roles for others? Because I think both of those are probably true to some extent, but I'm not sure which you meant.
But yeah, we do like our roles, don't we? And that's not even a bad thing, that can be fun. I just wish it didn't have to be so... defining? At least, not in slash, which is my happy place.
That right there is an excellent concise summary.
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