Things that I like! Pretty long, but I didn't cut it because I didn't feel like it.

Jan 24, 2007 23:29

1. I am having a moment of wild, insane love for John Sheppard's weird laugh right now. It is SO HORRIBLE SOUNDING! Any fic that mentions the disturbing, freaky laugh gets an automatic A+ from me today.

2. Hey, anyone want to hear a super good song? I know you do, because the voice of science tells us that everybody wants to hear super good songs. Here it is: Grace Kelly by Mika. What I like about this song is everything. Also, the singer seems pretty gay, and his website has lots of colors, so you guys should like that, I think. Props to greyandgrey for giving me the song in the first place!

3. You know what I never do on this journal? Rec fic! And that is silly, because I read a lot of fic, and I like a lot of what I read, and I should share this with the internets because that is what fandom is ALL ABOUT. Today's theme is MISUNDERSTANDINGS, probably my single biggest narrative kink. There is nothing in this world I like better than a good story where Boy A is in love with Boy B but there are MISUNDERSTANDINGS so he thinks Boy B doesn't love him back, but really he does! And then there is angst and revelations and a happy ending and they make out a lot.[*]

Semaphore by helenish, Sports Night, Danny/Casey

I love Helen's dialogue, and I was curious to see how it meshed with Sports Night's very distinctive dialogue. Answer: very, very well. This is a good example of fanfic that maintains a strong authorial voice, while staying absolutely true to canon. There are other reasons to like this fic, though, and one of them is that Lisa isn't entirely responsible for the divorce, because Casey can be an idiot. Another one is that this provides a really cool reflection of second season canon events, had they transpired somewhat differently. There are many reasons! Go read it, if you haven't yet!

The Dating Disasters of Sirius Black, by kabeyk, Harry Potter, Sirius/Remus

One thing you can definitely say about Sirius Black is that he knows what he wants. Actually, I'd really like to read a Sirius POV fic that specifies when he knew that what he wanted was Remus, because I suspect it was shortly after they got off the train to Hogwarts. This is not that fic, but I like it very much. There are a lot of ridiculous pranks, and a long reveal - actually, maybe that's why everyone writes Remus POV. Sirius tends to know what's going on way too soon, emotionally. (But in no other way, to be fair.)

Scenes from an Accidental Courtship, by torakowalski, Stargate Atlantis, McKay/Sheppard

I love it so much when John pines, you have no idea. Because he's really a hell of a lot gayer than Rodney, isn't he? I generally am a big fan of fic that supports the "John likes cock, Rodney likes sex and also John" characterization. Also, Rodney is the science team pimp. FANTASTIC. I haven't got anything smart to say about this at all; it's well written, and the sex scene has a really wonderful tension in it, and. John is repressed and sad a lot. Basically, I really like it.

Le Dormeur du Val, by pun, Smallville, Clark/Lex

Hey, I also have a sleep kink, did you know? Almost as much as I have a kink for Lex being kind of really needy, and in love with Clark, and sort of two steps behind what's going on for once in his life. I seem to have less and less to say with each one of these recs, isn't that mildly interesting? If I did another one, it would probably say "Fucking read it already," and I'll take that as a sign that I should go to bed now.

[*] I also like sugary brightly colored drinks with umbrellas in them.

sga, recs, music

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