The Kalos Legacy 3.3

Dec 13, 2009 15:45

Archive | Download Kalos sims

Warnings: slash, mpreg

So for those of you wondering why is William still in these posts well, that's because I can't seem to let him go. After investing so much time in his and Nathan's epic romance I want some time with him and see his kids grow ^^' This means I have an overstuffed house (thanks hacks) and too many sims to keep track off.

This post is a little boring at first but that was because I was a little bored with my game at the time since it was in the downtime between no more babies and they were too young to go into their own relationships. but it gets much better at the end. Seriously crazy shit happens :P

Danielle and Gilian doing what they do best: dancing. They both got the party animal trait.

Karen and Ran race each other to the toys.

It's Raven's turn to have the baby. I wonder what sort of bet he lost with Rhett.

I have no clue what William is doing on this picture.

William and Nathan get lovely dovey while their kids play.

Kyousuke visits a friend house just to daydream on their bed about half eaten chicken.

Happy birthday, Ran!

Gillian thinks this is either the suckiest bday party ever or the most awesome.

One of the party attendees: Silver, is in awe by Raven's awesomeness.

Danielle tries to hit on him with no avail.

Oh, this is Zeera, Raven and Rhett's fourth. Raven went into labor in the middle of the party and I didn't notice until she was already home. Picture taking fail.

To ease the full house, Zero finally moves back with his parents.

Kyousuke becomes a handsome teen.

Pic love! Raven and William taken care of their respective daughters.

Kyousuke believes in flying!

Just a nice family evening and oh! Seems William couldn't keep his hands of Nathan for too long. I mean, who would?

It's not nice to be happy your grandpa died, Gillian. Though he's with his bb now.

You both fail as grandchildren.

Kyosuke: Hey, I don't know who you are but I like you so I'm going to hit on you.

Like his big brother, Kyousuke tries his luck with cooking.

He sucks at it too. No one in this generation seems to have inherited Makoto or Masu's cooking skills.

Zeera beating up playing with her teddy bear.

Baby's coming!


Raven completely ignores the incoming mouth into his house as long as they don't disturb his and Rhett's sleep.

screaming Baby Nicholas.

Kyousuke decides to chop off his hair.

This is what my reaper townies look like when they age up. Get-off-my-town.

Nice shot of Nathan and big brother Rhett.

Danielle invites a couple of boys over from school. Maybe she's trying too hard.

The boys actually came over for Gillian's birthday! I can't believe they're reaching adulthood already. This is where I admit I had been much more interested in William than in any of Raven's kids until...

Ohhhhhh. And Toby had to butt in the picture. Toby is Kiria and Darek's grandchild. You can tell by the hair.

Abel laughs at the thought of growing up.

And then... Oh snap. So most of you know by now that it's my guilty pleasure to recreated some of my favorite fandom pairings in the game then let them roam free in my town. So I made a Sirius and a Remus. This is the first kid they had which obviously I named Teddy.

He is gorgeous and he likes fire. (why are my thought graphics so abysmal? :/)

Gillian is immediately drawn in.

Raven and Rhett can still get it on.

If anyone ever took his Rhett away Raven would inflict his fury on the whole town.

Let's leave them be.

Gillian decides to become a policeman.

Raven goes back to his old antics.

Nathan becomes a mature adult. William just wants to sleep.

Karen and Nicholas get along too. I'm surprise at the lack of sibling rivalry even with so many kids in the house.

With Karen growing up Nicholas is the last baby left.

More birthdays!

Elder status has reached the house :/

Kyousuke befriends all the teenage boys that show up at the house, even the ones Danielle invites.

Then steals them from her.

Aric Straus.

Abel Zanders.

Gillian and Teddy's relationship is moving smoothly.

Teddy shows off his parenting skills by taking care of Nicholas unrequested.

William ages up as well. He looks the same.

Makoto visits his great grandson <3

Kyousuke tries to cook again while Nathan thinks it's a good idea to compliment Raven's appearance first thing in the morning.

My thoughts exactly.

Raven goes make out with Rhett to erase the memory.

Zeera grows!

She grows up quite well and actually gains my interest again.

Such a young age to have such nefarious motives. Seems Raven not full evilness has bear fruit in his last child.

Danielle goes to Aric's house and tries once more to make him more than a friend.

Sweetie. You're little brother stole this one and made him totally gay, try someone else.

Ran meets up with one of Sookie and Bill's great granddaughters... the nose... OMG it got worst down the generations.

Nathan has babies on the brain except he wants William to have them this time. Plus William in uniform is hard to resist.

The love in the house is contagious.

And you wonder why Kyousuke is so messed up.

OMG Birthday!

Oh crap...

Getting old sucks balls.

Nathan still trying for the babies.

lol @ Rhett in the background.

There we go! Doesn't that suck, William?

Raven gets really into those inspirational speeches.

Gillian and Danielle with their father.

Computers are evil! Destroy all technology!

Danielle has a park birthday! For some reason it makes Aric sad and Nathan and Ran to bump heads.

You really want me commenting on this? William says it all.

Awww (lol at Silver's face. It's like he's wondering 'oh men can have the babies?')

I still can't get over just how damn pretty Teddy is for being randomly genetic game baby. Gillian wanted to propose to him right there but the option wouldn't show :(

Zero comes visit to introduce his wife Aubrey Vega.

Danielle: OMG the radio broke. How will I dance now?

Since for some reason Gillian isn't able to propose to Teddy he'll sleep with him instead to convince him.

Meanwhile Danielle tries to get with Silver again (that's Silver Black, Teddy's little brother).

He rejects her.

Raven: How dare you reject a kiss from my beautiful daughter?

I don't think this is the best approach.

Then... :((((((((((((((((

Rhett: Ra...ven

I cannot believe this is happening. This was me the whole time O.O :( omgwtfnoooooooooooooo

This sucks.

You break my heart, Raven.

Then suddenly...

Rhett: I'm not dead!

Intermission because William decides right then to stroll by the middle and show off his heavily pregnant self.

It's all too much for Rhett and he pees himself.

Then he wishes he had actually died.

Everyone's attention is on Rhett, except Kyousuke whose as egocentric as we feared.

Raven promises never to let go.

I can't believe my game almost killed Rhett. I was going to lose it! It's too soon for him to go.

More crazy shit for next post! :P

generation: 03

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