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idyleski January 15 2015, 03:14:16 UTC
okay so i wanted to comment on this when i read it last night but it was 2am in the morning and i hope you dont mind this super long comment bc i love this so so so much

He doesn’t try to play it cool, knowing it’s a lost cause, and hastens to make his way over to where Jinhwan was sitting on the bench. crIES bc goo junhwe is such a nerd we all know you arent really cool just a huge loser with a big crush. they're flirting is so adorable and chanwoo cominG IN IM

also the first time junhwe gets rejected is so ;___; like i can definitely see him trying so hard and jinhwan trying to let him down but feeling conflicted at the same time bc they have so much at risk!! and then jinhwan giving in eventually and starting their kinda-sorta-not-really-named relationship of sorts where he's constantly on watch all the time. it really sort of captures him (lmao the part where jinhwan actually makes you talk when you fight) as the eldest and each time he sort of gives junhwe small touches after junhwe gets a bit too touchy for his taste near other members (very much like him and junhwe who tries not too and forgets sometimes bc touching jinhwan is so natural, junhwe carefully observing jinhwan's reactions to each member as well!!)

He clears his throat. "I have a few ideas that'll help me uh… lose some... tension." nicely worded junhwe nicely worded

Junhwe however, had failed to consider one fine detail. That detail being, Jinhwan was a 22 year old adult who’d been in and out of relationships before, while Junhwe was a dumb 19 year old who dropped out of high school and whose first real relationship was with aforementioned experienced 22 year adult. Jinhwan knew the game, Junhwe didn’t stand a chance. im crying bc jinhwan would totally do that, allow junhwe to let his guard down for a bit only to corner hiim

(also yunhyeong telling double b that junhwe peed on jinhwan's bed i cant get over that yunhyeong is such a cutie and when jinhwan jusT KNEW I WAS SO TENSE)

when jinhwan said that "i ordinarily wouldn't indulge in a crush like this" i nearly cried bc just wow and ouch that must have hurt so much. junhwe's "it's not a crush" loud wailing at that bc i that must hurt so much. while at the same time i empathize a lot with jinhwan bc he's stressed and worried about debuting and being found out as well it just really hurt and probably wasnt the best thing to say, esp to junhwe and after their kinda-sorta fight and that hurts so much.

donghyuk finding out about jinjun too omg anD i M JUST IMAGINING THE YUNDONG CONVOS ABOUT THEIR RELATIONSHIP THE TWO NERDS. hanbin calling junhwe a lost kid trailing after jinhwan (so so so accurate, he's just basically reduced to a huge pile of goo whenever he's near him) anD THE FACT THAT HANBIN KNEW ALL ALONG WOW THANKS KIM HANBIN

okay there was definitely more i wanted to say about this fic but im kinda forgetting bc it was almost 24 hours ago. youre characterizations of jinjun were both so well done omg i really love how you wrote them and they were just so accurate, from jinhwan and his worry but concern and to junhwe and his sort of stubborness and laziness and the grOSS WAY HE TURNS INTO A NERD oh god i could talk about their characters forever. im sorry this is so long but you did such a great job and just ;___; it was amazing


kalopsia January 15 2015, 04:14:40 UTC
I LOVE THIS COMMENT SO MUCH. just wow, you are TOO NICE like omg, what did I do to deserve such a nice and thoughtful comment u____u

i'm so glad you liked the characters!! especially jinhwan's because even though i love him, i'm pretty much STUMPED when it comes to him. because on m&m, he's always really nice and level-headed and indulges all of them, and like pretty much everyone has said they're comfortable with him. but at the same time, his reaction to hongseok in the beginning was so frosty!! plus the way he reacted towards junhwe/donghyuk's fake fight (lol literally had to stop writing this comment for 5 mins so i could rewatch it), how he got physical with junhwe and pushed him back near the end (TWICE!! AND HOLDS HIS HANDS!! JUNHWAN IS SO ahem anyway). like kim jinhwan what are you, i want to figure you out!!

also junhwe is 100% my favourite member, but i don't feel like i actually know him that well?? he was under a lot of high pressure during m&m (and got like, negative screentime during win), so i did a lot of floundering and projecting with him. but aw man i really love how despite having a good amount of confidence in himself, he's still such an awkward kid? like he makes all these snide comments right, but whenever he's in like a mild position of discomfort he TOTALLY CAVES and gets so embarrassed and can't handle it. i find that so endearing about him <3

THANK YOU AGAIN FOR SUCH A SWEET COMMENT!! like i reread it four with a big smile on my face because it was so nice <333 honestly, thank you so much. i'm super insecure about this fic + not rly satisfied with it because it was difficult to write/finish, but knowing you enjoyed it so much makes me ^O^

(AS AN ASIDE. i really loved your junhwan fic!! i am such a terrible person. l like making comments while i'm in a clear headspace, but as a result i put them off and forget arghhh... i'll go comment on it now!)


idyleski January 15 2015, 06:22:17 UTC
i just loved this so much that i thought it deserved a loNG, DETAILED COMMENT BC I REALLY REALLY REALLY LIKED IT

yeah that sort of threw me a bit off guardish too, bc he seemed somewhat cold to hongseok though i think it might be bc of the immense pressure. he's such a darling and sweetie honestly, he's so nice to everyone and he cares so much (that one video from the m&m dvd where he tells jinhyeong and yunhyeong how he wants to get #1 for them ;____; ) oH GOD THAT (jinjun hand holding is so important!!) and i sort of feel like there's a lot more to him than the cute, cuddly exterior and niceness (tho that makes up a huge portion and it may be my jinhwan biasness speaking)

the amount of confidence junhwe has in himself is honestly smth that i find so amazing about him (which only makes it hurt more when he's upset). hes a loser at heart tbH and he turns to mush and gets all giggly at times (coughs jinjun date) AND THATS SO TRUE THE CHILD GETS EMBARRASSED SO EASILY (he couldnt even hug jinhyeong without squirming and even then barely much so)

and then when you put the two together [clutches my heart]. it was honestly so nice and i also loved bobby here esp as well!! (i cant remember exactly but i do remember a lot of great one liners in this fic!!)


kalopsia January 15 2015, 10:19:20 UTC
you are so nice T__T even though i'll never be satisfied with how this fic turned out, i'll always find solace in the fact you liked it so much u__u thank you, i don't deserve your praise~

that's true! i think jinhwan overall just cares about the group a lot, and he feels a lot of inherent responsibility for the rest of the members, which is probably why he wasn't overly friendly with hongseok when he first joined. but honestly, jinhwan just has this aura i guess, like EVERYBODY likes him so much?? he even got awkward af junhwe to open his heart to him (jinhwan please tell bobby your secret). HAHA it's not just your jinhwan bias (although... am i really in a position to speak??). i was looking through the airport previews for jinhwan and 1) binhwan is DISGUSTING 2) wtf he's SO CUTE. like you haven't even debuted yet and you're doing all this fanservice at the airport??? meanwhile junhwe is like ~i walk this lonely road, the only one that i have ever known~ with his earphones plugged in.

yeah! like i think his confidence is something he probably built up through telling himself to be confident, considering he's been trying to be a singer for so long. and so whenever it's shaken, or he breaks down (like in m&m, holy shit i cried with him), it really breaks your heart. T__T my baby <33 and exactly, he's such a dumb baby at heart (NEVER TAKEN AN AIRPLANE. CAN'T SWIM. ALL THOSE STUPID SELCAS (seriously junhwe you are SO GOOD LOOKING pls take advantage of it)). his embarrassment shows SO EASILY TOO, like you could see how he was dying inside when he had to hug jinhyeong, and jinhwan being all "my first time on a ferris wheel... and it's with a guy... who's koo junhwe" and junhwe looked SO embarrassed and almost apologetic. GAh i love junhwe too much T_____T


idyleski January 16 2015, 04:30:49 UTC
o w o

the entire situation was just sort of a bad one, bc he probably feels like its part of his job to help yundongjune debut as well and before bc of win etc. evERYONE LOVES JINHWAN LITERALLY EVERYONE (double b adore him so much and ot3 is the cutest!! that recent bobhwan date today as well what were they doing?) hAh it might just be me but i feel as though junhwe is sometimes mush and gross around jinhwan (this is my jinjun creeping in rn) likE juSt [shakes fist] JINJUNS RELATIONSHIP IN GENERAL

omg the airport previews for jinhwan he's actually so tiny and cute in all those oversized clothes (imagine him wearing others around in the dorm!!!11!) AND BINHWAN THE AIRPORT IS JUST A PLACE FOR BINHWAN TO THRIVE HONESTLY liKe the ENTIRE ESCALATOR THING. there was this one pic where jinhwan was wearing a facemask yet you could tell that he was smiling underneath bc he just radiated an aura of happiness and cuteness and cuddliness even through digital media. he's such a sweetie honestly he cares about everyone so much ill never stop crying bc of this boy

(m&m ep 6, the one ep we all try to forget). whenever junhwe seems frustrated i just want to hug the poor kid esp during m&m bC HE DID NOT NEED TO GO THROUGH THAT AT ALL and when he broke down, bc even the possibility of yunhyeong leaving i almost cried. hes so hard working and so talented (and so so so extremely good looking) and a neRD. "we should get a tag that says 'not a couple'" THE ENTIRE JINJUN DATE WAS SUCH AN EXPERIENCE LIKE WOW (i love junhwe a lot too acK THAT CHILD)


kalopsia January 16 2015, 06:08:53 UTC
i'm sure the fact he was already assured a spot made him feel even worse :C i honestly felt so bad for jinhwan during that entire situation, when he had to leave the interview because he started crying. i felt even worse because i genuinely thought both "i want you" and "treasure" deserved a lot more positive feedback than they got. ESPECIALLY TREASURE WTF YOU OVERLOOK THAT AND GIVE THE WIN TO LET IT GO (TRAP REMIX)..... >:C and omg no it is definitely not just you! i've been trying to hold myself back so i don't look like a trashy shipper but... who am i kidding... look at this fic... look at me... i am #1 junhwan trash. seriously though, like EVERYBODY acts really qt/enamoured when it comes to jinhwan, but the fact that junhwe IS THE AWKWARDEST KID EVER and doesn't seem particularly sentimental, but when it comes to jinhwan he just acts like a dumb smitten boy it's like. like wtf?? this is a dynamic you only seeon tv shows AND YET IT IS JINJUN IRL?? like you gotta look at it relatively here, it's junhwe. him initiating any kind of physical contact is worth like, bobby kissing you on the cheek. like i'm always SO EMBARASSED for junhwe when his airport previews come out because 1/3 of it is either him standing near jinhwan/looking at jinhwan from a distance/smiling at jinhwan, and i'm just like JUNHWE THIS IS SO PATHETIC, LOVE YOURSELF. like the recent ones where hanbin was thiiiis close to kissing jinhwan, and bobby actually scored a date with him, meanwhile check out junhwe's smooth moves like. idek what to say. it's so embarrassing. june i'm embarrassed for the both of us.

ANYWAY.... i may have gotten a little ahead of myself there... i'm sorry you had to see that... but uh yes, jinjun. ahem. very cute ship. i can appreciate it.

that episode hurt me so much, and just yg is so cruel. like i know all trainees probs go through a form of it, just not televised, but it was so hard to watch. and how bobby wouldn't let junhwe go when they were hugging. i think it was also a huge shock for him too, cos as he said in a later interview, he always thought he'd inevitably end up in ikon, but to see yunhyeong who'd been training with him suddenly in pseudo-elimination, it really shook him up. JUST THAT EPISODE GEEZ. and tbh i felt really bad for hongseok/chanwoo/jinhyeong too, because i'm sure they felt really guilty but at the same time it's like? it's not their fault :( man i'm so torn b/w rewatching m&m and trying to erase it from my memory.


idyleski January 17 2015, 00:17:07 UTC
oh god jinhwan during the entirety of m&m ep6 i got so mad!! and upset!! and i honestly wanted to punch yg bC HE DID SO WELL AND IT JUST WASNT FAIR AT ALL (lets face it yg is so rap biased it isnt even funny. im going to fight whoever makes my baby cry).

"like bobby kissing you on the cheek" YES YES IT IS HONESTLY. god junhwe is so enamoured by jinhwan somehow this child becomes fine with hugging and handholding and all sorts of gross things. him on the ferris wheel with jinhwan, the very definition of smitten. like okay okay junhwe be the giggly high school teenager you secretly are. he's the kind of person who'd try to play it cool, think he's playing it somewhat cool but ends up tripping over his own feet in front of the person of his affections, and try not to act like he's not terribly terribly in love (which kinda fails, obviously).and i totally know what you mean by those airport photos oH GOD (i feel as though the airport is a place for everyone to publicly shower jinhwan with affection).

ITS ALRIGHT... we can be jinjun #1 TRASH TOGETHER i try desperately not to think about how trash i am with this ship. they're such a tropey pairing, they're so perfect!! from their height differences to junhwe's general behavior around him and just!! jinjun!!!!!!!

smh smh all of the boys have honestly had it so hard, especially ot6 bc of win and then half of them had to fight for a place that should have already been theirs. honestly i feel sort of bad for hongseok/chanwoo/jinhyeong (esp hongseok sometimes) bc its extremely awkward, coming into a situation like this with people who've already formed close bonds bc it feels as though you're replacing of them of sorts??


kalopsia January 17 2015, 05:03:33 UTC
more like he's so b.i biased... like i love (love love love) hanbin don't get me wrong, but jfc HE GETS TOO MUCH PRAISE. and now they're all going to think let it go is an example of good arrangement and #pray4ikon and their discrography tbh. someone needs to tell b.i that HEY MAYBE PUTTING IN THIS DUB-TRAP-HOUSE INSTRUMENTAL BREAK isn't a good idea... we need hayi to be in ikon, otherwise we're relying on you jinhwan :C

omg WHY did you link that gif of them hugging.... everytime i come across it i just have to sit and stare and there goes half my day ;; like omg junhwe is SO WEIRD with physical contact but he PUSHES JINHWAN CLOSER to him, and how jinhwan has to reach up get an arm around him... *INHALES* i've seen that gif too many times. THAT FERRIS WHEEL DATE /wheezes/. when they were pushing each other and giggling. i cannot get over their video call to hanbin when he was like "enjoy your date" and junhwe's sheepish smile ><" urghhhhhh they're sf cute. "junhwe-yah... you're a warm hearted kid...". and omg yes!! jinhwan's weird magnetism, they all just gravitate towards him and are like "hyung!! look at me!! look at me!!!!", and jinhwan is just like u___u *quietly indulges all of them*

sobs... how did this happen... i wasn't even meant to be into ikon let alone become hxc junhwan garbage T___T still trying to come to terms with this fate...

yeah!! i agree. like even though i make fun of chanwoo a lot, and i'm like "???why are you here?", i do really feel bad cos like, he's just a 16 year old kid, and honestly what else could he have done? the fact he was so obviously favoured by yg also left a bitter taste in my mouth, like jinseok didn't even stand a chance (*looks at my folder of hongseok selcas and sighs*). i'm sure in a few years ppl will eventually warm up to chanwoo tho, he's a nice kid, just unfortunate circumstances.


idyleski January 17 2015, 17:15:26 UTC
yES I AGReE wiTH YOu like jinhwan needs more praise especially compared to double b!! db-trap-house i dONT KNOW WhaT THE CHILD WAS THINKING FOR THAT SONG i mean it wasn't the worst bc he could have done some reggae-hip hop-dub-metal-rock-screamo that iron did on smtm3 BUT STILL IT WAS SO. jinhwan please save us from this whenever you guys do debut

that gif is one of the most iconic gifs of jinjun of all time, it always comes up eventually. ITS SO CUTE JINHWAN IS SO TINY NEXT TO HIM AND EVERYTIME I SEE THEM STANDING TOGETHER I JUST [clutches my poor poor heart]. in airport previews i kind of just screech HEIGHT DIFFERENCES and junhwe what is all this touchiness please explain yourself. (like that one video where he just carress jinhwan's neck?? for no reason either?? alright alright alright aLRIGHT) oh god binhwan facetiming on the was so ridiculously cute and you just can't ever forget this. will there ever be anyone as sweet as jinhwan?? i think not

aCK yes i feel you like i love jinhwan way too much and all of the boys and i never meant... to be shipper trash and get so attached to all of them eEK. honestly if we were to base it on best vocalist out of the three it would probably be jinhyeong?? yet?? and just poor chanwoo honestly he's stuck in such an awkward situation and yg and his favoritism needs to stop smh at that man

((btw do you have a tumblr or twitter?? ))


kalopsia January 18 2015, 03:41:01 UTC
lmao, i never even watched smtm3 in it's full (just hanbin cuts AHEM, omg he's such a fish out of water "WHAT DO I DO?? WHERE'S YG? JINAN HYUNG???? omg when jinhwan came to visit him hanbin looked SO HAPPY, probably proudly introduced jinhwan as his boyfriend to everyone), but i watched that iron performance just now and lmaooooo. an attempt was made T___T cries all of jinhwan's performances were so qt/gr8. can we have jinhwan/bobby coming up with the concepts and hanbin just composing them??

like that one video where he just carress jinhwan's neck?? for no reason either?? cries WHAT WHAT? why haven't i seen this???? i can't recall this at all :o :o do you have a link? AND OH MAN DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE u__u like seriously, they are /such/ an aesthetically pleasing couple! like jinhwan has a height diff with most of them, but whenever him and junhwe stand next to each other, they look soooo good together, they literally look like a couple on a date (or maybe that's wishful thinking ;;). AAAAH, omg that gifset is SO CUTE. THE MIDDLE RIGHT ONE I-- i cannot believe binhwan is a real relationship, "guess you're going to the zoo alone" *pats lost alarmed puppy hanbin's face*, jinhwan is sooooo <333 what a perfect mat-hyung omg.

hmm, really? i always thought hongseok was the best singer out of the 3 (i got so mad when b.i was like "yh he's a good singer, but there's no emotion". UHHH, HANBIN ARE YOU IN ANY POSITION TO BE TALKING ABOUT SINGING). but yeah, like i honestly found chanwoo the least impressive vocally of the three, but apparently he "fit in really well" or wtv bs yg was spouting. it's like i feel bad for chanwoo ))): and it makes me feel guilty at how little i care about him... but... maybe he'll change my mind. we'll see u___u

i have a tumblr! it's illestfit! my twitter /was/ @monosoon, but i've forgotten the pw because i haven't been on it in over a year. but i'm planning to make a new one again soon! wbu?? ^^


kalopsia January 18 2015, 05:01:06 UTC
OK, so for some reason even though i /got/ an email about ur comment, and a notif, i can't see it on my post ;; so i tried sending this through tumblr fanmail but apparently i haven't been following you long enough and blahblahblah, and you have privacy on for your lj pms, so i hope you don't mind me continuing this comically long comment thread ;;

omg, see this is why i didn't watch the entirety of smtm3... like for one, i'm not really too interested in khh, but i love hanbin so i'm like, i'll just watch the double b cuts. AND WOW I FELT SO BAD FOR HANBIN, like you could tell how nervous he was, and he tripped up a lot. meanwhile bobby was like WOW LOOK AT THIS NEW PLACE THIS IS SO COOL ILLIONAIRE!!!! i think hanbin is used to being /the best/ and being told how special he is, and so to suddenly be on a show where he's one of the weaker rappers there must have shook him up. man, i keep replying that bit where jinhwan visits them, HANBIN LOOKED SO HAPPY AND RELIEVED. urgh he's so smitten <333 ftr, i love /all/ permutations of golden trio, but binhwan is sort of... my favourite... if it hasn't been obvious :x i actually expected more double b in smtm3! like there was sooooo much in the beginning, and they just /clung/ to e/o cos they didn't know anyone else, but once they got put on different teams there wasn't that much. but tbh watching hanbin flounder was entertaining enough to make up for it.

OOOOH THAT, omg yes i saw like a really shaky vine of it, but seeing it in HQ *___* i'm C R Y I N G, omg junhwe like, almost hesitates before he does it??? like i can just imagine his internal monologue "this is how you casually touch ppl right??? this is how you do it?? this isn't weird right??". I REMEMBER THAT PICTURE, i get soooo much heartache when i see it ;; like the vine you linked on your twitter, THEY AREN'T ANYWHERE NEAR E/O YET JUNHWE SMILES AT JINANI like ahem, wow what a loser. for someone so concerned about looking cool, he doesn't realise how dumb he acts all the time T__T i'm shipping jinjun out of pity for junhwe t b q h. and BINHWAN IS SO GROSS, they are sooo married. like idkkk, like i think hanbin is probably closer to bobby in the more "bro" sense, but jinhwan just acts as such a good emotional support towards hanbin? like he knows exactly the right things to say to calm him down, like when b.i was stressed out during win and just left?? that was the moment that made me fall SO HARD for binhwan (along with the fact hanbin CAN NOT STOP PLAYING AROUND WITH AND TOUCHING JINHWAN). honestly golden trio just balances themselves out so well.

same. like what was even the point of m&m? like honestly by the end of win, i did feel like overall team b wasn't quite ready yet? they definitely weren't as polished? and they worked SO HARD to get where they were in m&m, and for the purpose of promotion yg just puts them in another reality show. ig it's more convenient that chanwoo is the youngest (lol hongseok being jinhwan's age made things soooo awkward), but even tho i like jinseok better, and i wouldn't mind as much if they were added, i'd still kinda be like ??? is this really necessary? like sure they're better singers overall by now, but hmmm. hongseok would have been the most "useful" ig because he has a deeper voice, but just SIGH. those poor 3 boys ))): they shudda stayed with jyp


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