Dec 09, 2011 19:21
Went to the Faire yesterday. Frickin awesome! Would have been better with friends, but ah well, more like when I was a kid then and was able to do things at my own pace instead of waiting for someone or being hurried!
I was one of these little rams! They can easily jump over a troll and they're barely bigger than a goblin! Riding around on this thing would be frickin awesome and look ridiculous considering my size, but that's what'd make it awesome.
Got a bullseye for the canon targeting, dominated at the shooting range, hit 5 of those hogger whack-a-gnoll things in a row, fixed some broken tonks and learned some first aid stuff to patch up the carnies, and even made some prizes!
Oh yeah, also danced with a group of dwarves at one of the concerts
Played the games again today, but I gotta say that it's more fun the first day and gets a bit boring after.
Waiting for Deadeye right now, though if he doesn't show in a few hours gonna have to leave to go watch the cage fighting in Tanaris and see if Yoji wins again. Then either Trix or Nev, though most likely will just be Nev's since a bit tired of Trix at the moment