Nov 08, 2011 03:15
It seems I've really been neglecting writing entries lately.
Though I suppose not all that much new has happened
Nightmares again, though I don't really remember what happened in them. Just have the feeling of having them in the morning.
Remember screaming. Always afraid maybe my screaming carries over to real life, but havn't been getting any complaints from Yoji.
I know when I dream that I can't scream it's because it's trying to carry over and the urge to scream is being suppressed, so while in the dream it's scary as hell, afterwards I remember why and it's not as bad
Been sharing his tent a lot lately. Just don't really have the energy to go home. Did the other day and ended up standing in the rain for a few hours and lazily did some stuff around the house.
Nev's house is mostly done, though need to refurnish. Got a new bed for him, but that's about it. Keeping the old table and chairs in there in case he needs them. Having some other things made still.
Met Yoji and Joey in the bay earlier today and ended up being dragged off to do some things
Tomorrow's going to suck though. Feel like I'm bruised up a bit, though there's no marks from it.
Those two are just... I don't see how they can do it. After what we did early after noon and then going on for more with other people later, and then up for yet another round after that? Geezus.
Maybe they're just used to it from doing it so much, or a racial thing or something
Hell if I know.
Kind of amazed by it, but also at the moment don't care a whole lot. Mood's down again because of some comments people made. Nothing that really should have brought me down but just reminded me of some things.
Going to have to get some more dreamless sleep potions. Half a vial of them only helps somewhat