Oct 25, 2011 04:18
Been doing pretty good lately. Then again I've been keeping myself fairly busy with cleaning and fixing up the house. Hired some people to help me expand the basement a bit more so I can have a wine/alcohol storage area, a normal storage area for random crap, and a work area for my engineering. Bit expensive and KR is a bit unhappy about how much I took out to be able to hire people who could keep the place from collapsing as they worked on making the basement bigger, but going to be worth it.
Keeps more room in the house so it doesn't get too cramped when the baby gets there.
So much frickin' work to do
Doing some work on Nev's place too
Got asked out by a halfie an elf today. Not entirely sure if serious or just messing with me, but I guess it can't hurt to at least see?
Bit odd though since I just met him... and met him while sneaking around as a Goblin
Never really got how the whole "dating" thing worked. Why would you ask out people you don't really know? Shouldn't you get to know someone better before asking them out on a date?
Being friends, or at least more familiar with someone before asking them out makes more sense than just asking someone out that you barely know. It's like skipping a step in the intimacy ladder thing or something.
Elves People are weird
Another p.s. Apparently I own someone? I dunno. Some guy in Stormwind swore allegience to me or something and did some kind of spell or whatever to break some hold on him that his master had on him. Oddly enough his master knew about me. The weird servant guy said he can't tell me who the master is but he really wanted/needed to break the hold, so whatever. Maybe getting this servant guy will piss off said master and make him talk to me. Or send someone after me that I can make tell me who it is.
Yet another p.s.
Met a pretty cute Draenei priest before I met the weird servant guy. He's like a Draenei Val! He's fairly small and a priest, but he isn't gay.... well I don't think he is. He said he thought I was "beautiful" and admitted to having some trouble when it came to talking to women. Not really sure how to take this. Could just be being polite.
Started talking to me because he may have thought I was going to try to drown myself or something. Standing on one of the bridges over the Canal, and apparently I was standing too close and looking a bit too sad for his liking. Ended up chatting about a few random things and then about Kwik's death because the subject of mates/significant others came up and some other things. He offered to help contact Kwik for some last goodbyes and everything and could help Mercy with it.~
~Victor suggested maybe bringing Kwik back to life if I miss him. Suggested Mercy do it since DK's apprently havesome power to res others, though mostly just ghouls unless they go through the extra work to collect some stuff and do extra work to bring a better version of someone back, but even then the person most likely won't be the same or even just a better class of Ghoul
I do miss him, but he's been dead about a month now.
I don't want to torture him either with it.
I think all I may do is just try to talk to him if I can and relocate his body to our house if he'd allow it.
But I can't bring him back. Only way is if he really wants to, but I'll make it clear that I can't really be a part of his life like I was. Too much shit's happened that will just end up hurting him more and this crap will just be dragged out longer. I don't want to deal with it and I don't want him to deal with it.
home improvement,