So been an interesting last few days. Just been forgetting to write
Cen died at one point and now seems to be alive again. I feel bad despite his assholish behavior towards everyone (and me) lately
I really did like him. Despite the fact he didn't know how to keep his damn mouth shut, he wasn't all that bad
But gods, I snapped. Enough is enough, but I didn't have to tell others about what Him, Lou, and Dori did.
Dori decided to quit being a druid and left, so when Cen started shit with me I didn't feel the need to put up with it for Dori's sake. I still feel bad, but fuck it, I'm tired of being nice to people and be forgiving, just to have them think they can get away with treating me badly over and over!
Just... enough
Raxi and Slut was at Club Trix. I actually left them alone instead of starting something, but apparently they weren't happy with that and after a few drinks and hanging around near me, and loudly exclaiming about how they love each other so much and blahblahblah mushy corny crap, they ended up climb up on top of the table me and my friends were at and started shaking their asses at each other.
Seriously, even if they really didn't see me like they claimed, why kind of assholes start dirty dancing on a table that is being used by people for food and drinks and stuff. I seriously considered grabbing Slut's leg and yanking her off the table in hopes she'd crank her head open on the fire pit or at least the edge, but ended up just tossing my drink on her instead.
I think she tried to shake herself off like a dog to get the drink on me too, but she ended up looking more like she was having a seizure.
Also tried to get me to attack her. Nice to see she thinks I'd be stupid enough to do that in the middle of a semi-crowed horde inn/club in Dalaran. Kwik almost shot her in the face with a Steam Pistol.
She says I'm all talk, but she still refuses to really leave the safety of the city and wherever she's living with Raxi now
Sin seems to have given up on Raxi too, which means he's fair game for the mercs now too
I'll have to let the Cadre know when I can find someone other than Kwik to ask.
Speaking of Kwik and the Cadre though, turns out some bitch in the undercity failed to mug a friend of mine so she hired some mercs to kidnap them and kill a few of my other friends. Kwik isn't in on the contract, but during a conflict, he ended up hearing over one of their communication rings that help was needed, so he showed up and got involved.
My friends ended up getting away, but since Kwik lost his temper and was still mad about what happened with his guild mates, he ended up following them to Gilneas.
I was there too to help them.
I had on a blood elf illusion and my face covered by a mask and googles because I didn't want some assassin or another recognizing me ifI managed not to die.
I played decoy from them in the main town by sitting in a doorway on one of those giant flaming stone cat things. I really was expecting to get stabbed but I figured as long as my friends got away it wouldn't matter much. I've survived worse after all.
Surprisingly, the idea worked, for awhile.
When Kwik showed up I didn't know it was him because of what he was wearing and the masks he had on, and I couldn't smell him because of my own mask. Doesn't help that when he took off upper wolf part of his mask, I couldn't see his face really either because I didn't have my damn glasses on.
To shorten this, Kwik ended up figuring out it was a trick and got away and ended up finding the house they were really at, though by then his targets had escaped through a portal.
I really need to learn how to fight rogues better. Yeah I know how to deal with them, but that'd Lethal force. Non-lethal I just kind of fail.
Doesn't help I was trying hard not to lose control and turn Worgen. Not really something I wanted to explain to the people who didn't know what I am.
Damn their shadow stepping and being able to pretty much turn into smoke.
I ended up shooting Kwik. Not in any place vital, just aimed for limbs to slow him down. I figured killing the rogue wouldn't have helped because then we wouldn't have gotten answers about the employer.
Wasn't until we had him surrounded on the stairs and I had a gun to his head that I noticed it was him because of his arm and his mask ended up coming off.
I panicked and tossed him over the railing so the others wouldn't hurt him more than he already was, though getting tossed like a gnome ended up hurting his back. We got him pinned and I tried to disarm him, though just ended up getting kicked in the face. My illusion broke and my mask ended up slipping down, so Kwik found out it was me.
It got him to stop fighting at least
After he gave up we questioned him for a bit, but he didn't really know the details behind the hit because he wasn't signed to the contract.
Thank Goldrinn the others were understanding and let him go. I followed Kwik to cliffs and told him I wasn't mad at him. I understand it was just a mistake. I think he still considered jumping off anyways.
Took me near a damn hour of standing out in the rain, trying to convince him it was fine and I was fine. Too damn tired to just go back to Silvermoon so we took shelter in one of the houses at the Harbor.
Slept there overnight. I was damn tired so I didn't have much a choice. Hair wasn't really dry, but I had least had some extra dry clothes to sleep in.
"Trapped" Kwik in bed with me to make sure he'd sleep for once too. I'd have stayed up to try to be sure because I was afraid I'd wake up in the morning with him gone, but I ended up passing out pretty quick.
I didn't sleep that long because my stupid face ended up waking me up, but relieved that he was still in my arms and actually asleep.
I really think I love him. Is it weird for me to say that? Hell, is it too soon?
Love or not though, if I have to hurt him to protect friends, I will. I can't kill him, but I can't let him kill others either.