Fanart pooost!

Oct 09, 2005 14:31

Wow.. It's been a MONTH since the last time I updated this..I'm soo lazy. I won't post except I've fanart to post, and lately my schedule's very hectic, soo..I don't even have time to draw. Except when I'm in school and being bored out of my mind, of course.XD My goodness, I've just realized that I've been absent from my extracurricular activities 3 times.*_*

I'm starting to lose interest in Tenipuri..And I'm addicted to Bleach now.Xd

And! A ShuuYumi fanart for peroxidepest17. Thanks for writing my OTP, dear!:33

A doodle-chibi-thing which can rot your teeth:

A bonus oekaki which I did in 15 minutes:

That's all for now, maybe I'll start getting dilligent and update frequently from now. Maybe.

doodle, fanart

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