William's birth story

Oct 23, 2007 23:43

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

William’s Birth Story

I never wrote down his birth story before except in a glazed over fashion as seen below…

After having contractions steadily the night of the 27th I finally told your father around 1am that we needed to go to the hospital. I called the hospital and we loaded our things into the car.

We finally got into a room 4 hours after we arrived. I was given Pitocin to increase the intensity of my contractions and with a giant burst my water broke. you were on your way and you came fast.

Your Daddy made it just in time for me to push. After I received an epidural things went quickly. I went from 3cm to 10 cm in a little over an hour.

After 30 minutes of pushing you were out in the world and just as content as you could be.

SO here .. as they say.. is the rest of the story.

The 27th I was cleaning because I was the UBBER nester. Seriously.. I couldn’t get from the living room to the fridge for breakfast without first organizing the junk drawer and magnets on the fridge along the way when all I really wanted was a damn mango.

I was leaning over and probably doing a lot of stuff I shouldn’t have and my back was hurting so I laid down and it still hurt periodically throughout the day. Later that evening our friend Michael came over and that is when things started to get organized and I actually started writing the times down on a little “things to do” list. Kevin and Michael both asked what I was doing and I just said “ I was making sure.” Because it wasn’t hurting really bad I didn’t think I was really in labor.

Michael left so Kevin and I could get some rest. I was actually supposed to get my nice little matchy matchy outfit from A Nurturing Moment the next day for me and William to wear home from the hospital… instead I had a bag packed full of all the wrong things and only the clothes on my back when I went to the hospital after the following events….

I couldn’t sleep because of this nagging pain every 5 minutes… so I waddled into the living room ( so as not to disturb my husband) and called my doctor.. who immediately got me panicked by saying I should have called when they were 10 minutes apart and that I should probably be on my way to the hospital.

So, I woke Kevin up and his reply was a flustered “ I thought it was the fake labor.. you told me it was the fake labor..” My contractions got more intense as we neared the hospital. I called my mom when we got there and was promptly escorted to the “ we don’t think you are in labor enough to warrant the room we showed you on the tour” closet. Where I labored for 4 hours… with random checks from the nurses to tell me to lay on my back because the monitors couldn’t tell what I was doing. What I was doing was what I read about.. shaking my bum all around really did make me feel better and being up was a heck of a lot better than being on my back. The doctor finally came in as we were fed up enough at this point to tell the nurse that if we weren’t seen we were leaving.

So they told me that I was effaced but only dilated to 2-3cm and that we could walk around the hospital for another 4 hours or they could “ augment” my labor with Pitocin. I got all flustered because I wanted as little medical intervention as possible and it was not part of my birth plan and then I threw up. Kevin held me and said let’s just get into a room and if you get Pitocin we’ll be out of here faster.

I was administered Pitocin via an IV which I asked my nurse to put in during a contraction due to my fear of needles. Then they told me they might have to break my water but as soon as that Pitocin hit my bloodstream I was off and going this labor was about to be a delivery.

My water breaking would be an understatement as my water exploded. I had the urge to push… so I didn’t tell anyone and I just started to bear down and then bam it felt like my bum blew up and I looked over at Kevin and said “ you’d better get someone in here cause I think my water just broke”

Then they wanted to do internal monitoring on me which I was screaming the whole way through for them to please stop so they administered a pain reliever to sedate me. I woke up in time for my epidural ( thank you my lovely anesthesiologist) . My anesthesiologist was the kindest man and talked me through everything. So I was finally not in pain ( after they topped it off a few times) when Kevin said he had to leave.

The reason for his sudden departure is that the date “bobo” was to be born was our court date in Arab for a traffic violation we were fighting. They threatened to arrest Kevin if he did not appear or pay his ticket and no one else except him can pay it. He asked the doctors how long I had and they said a few hours so he hit the road. Needless to say I went from 3 cm to 10 cm in 30 minutes and was calling him like crazy to turn around and get back to the hospital. My doctor ( who wasn’t supposed to be there but found out I was in labor and came in just for me .. guess I made an impression on him) was out in the hall waiting because I told him we just had to wait on my husband. So Kevin gets there in about 15-20 minutes.. he drove from the last Cullman Exit and was in St Vincent’s in that short of time he flew!

With my mom and Kevin at my side I finally got to push and push I did. I pushed like a pro even with the now broken internal monitor and the nurse feeling for my contractions I pushed and I got to see his little head poke out and in 30 minutes he was born. At 12:07pm weighing in at 6lbs 8.3oz 19inches long he was now in the arms of his mother.
He was the happiest little thing I ever laid my eyes on… didn’t even cry being born. My little bitty Buddha baby…


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