I was running late on Thursday morning. I got to the car, started the engine, looked out the windshield, and realized that there was some sort of hard foggy substance covering both my front and back windshields. I got out of the car and found the same thing on top. It took a few seconds for me to realize that the mystery substance was... ice. I haven't seen non-snow ice on a car in years. This is Houston; ice only exists for a few minutes in a cup of lemonade. Oddly enough (but not that odd because it's Houston), it's currently 73°F right now.
I've lost something every day this (school week): my mornings on Monday (driving to school means finding a place to park means leaving home 30 minutes earlier), my composure on Tuesday, my sanity on Wednesday, my glove on Thursday, and my "I'll press pause for you ♥" pin on Friday. Wednesday is Hump Day indeed.
Also, I love this video.
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Lastly, Russian spam LJ accounts need to stop commenting. For serious.