filifolia It only took me just over a week to get around to making my (stupidly simple!) layout! Like I said, I just needed to change things up a bit. R-really hoping you don't mind. (Of course that just over a week number doesn't include the, like, half year I've been saying I'd do this!)
I-if you want feel free to follow me to my new account. A you add me, I add you back sorta thing~ Don't wanna, you know, force anything. Though if it should happen that by accident someone who wants to know what the deal is but missed my entry wanted in on it... I dunno what I'd do! Just deal with it, I suppose. ♥
I guess this means I should defriend everyone here then?
Um... yeah. Super sorry for this horribly awkward way of switching accounts~! I'm just too cheap for any other way!