Meme gakked from
a2zmom 1. Leave me a casual comment of no particular significance, like a lyric to your current favorite song, or your favorite kind of sandwich, maybe your favorite game. Any remark, meaningless or not.
2. I will respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in your own post.
5. When others respond with a desultory comment, you will ask them five questions.
1. Have you posted any secrets there[on
PostSecret]? (I had to ask)
Actually, no, because I'm afraid to tell people. But, it's crazy, because a lot of those secrets belong to me, too.
2. What frightens you the most?
The stuff that I don't know. The future. Frogs. (OMG, I am TERRIFIED of frogs) As for more... irrational fears, I have an insane amount of fear for... ears. I know. Even writing the word freaks me out.
3. Where would you like to live?
Somewhere absolutely gorgeous, where it doesn't get hot. I'd LOVE to live in Nice, France or Whistler, BC, Canada. Both are GORGEOUS. My favorite places in the world. But I'd like to visit Alaska, too.
4. What's your favorite food?
I have a lot of favorite foods. I love food. Which is why I have to exercise every day. ANYWAYS. I love blueberry muffins. They make me happy inside. And.... Meat Lover's Pizza. And hot wings. Like, the SUPER spicy kind. (my mouth is now watering.) Food = good.
5. What's your favorite band?
Um. I don't have ONE. I love a lot. I love Something Corporate. Lovedrug. Shimmer. Boys Like Girls. Red Hot Chili Peppers. Between the Trees. Muse. Forever the Sickest Kids. I CAN'T PICK JUST ONE.
Ummm... So basically, I think I should just quit school and be a babysitter. Because, seriously, I have babysat at least once a day every day the past week and a half. And I make more money doing that than working the street corner anything else. I mean, it doesn't TAKE anything. I got to play hide-and-seek for HOURS (which, okay, got old REALLY quick) and then play with paints and crayons. I can't tell you how long it's been since I've drawn with crayons. CRAZY.
If one more person asks me if I'm excited about my senior year, or if I know where I want to go to college, or if I know what I want to major in once I get there, I will seriously have to have a throwdown. Caps will be busted in people's asses.
Okay, maybe not that extreme. But seriously. I think that, every time someone asks what grade I'll be in, the first thing they say is, "Oh, SENIOR YEAR. SO MUCH FUN. ARE YOU EXCITED?" followed by, "Do you know where you want to go?" and a LIST of places I should check out.
I mean, okay. I appreciate all of the help these people are offering and that they're concerned about my future and everything, but in the last five days, I have heard it 84914734747147831 times. *headdesk*
WAIT. Let me clear something up.
For all of my new friends (*waves*), here are some details that might help clear some things up.
WHERE THE RANDOMNESS ENSUES. Skip if you don't care.
1. I'm 17, turning 18 in October. I have two REAL little sisters (almost 14 and almost 12), who I refer to as the brats, three fake brothers (3, 10, and 14), and 6 fake sisters (4, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14). They're fake because they aren't really related to me (nor are they adopted). They're part of a huge family-like thing my family has going with 5 other families. It's a thing.
2. I'm a lifeguard at my local pool, so I come home mostly fried on a daily basis. As a result of my basically hanging around kids all day, I get about a million people asking me if I babysit. Which I do. So I spend all of my free time babysitting, but EH. I get paid well to play games and watch TV.
3. I don't believe in best friends. I know, it sounds stupid, but after... a fall out with my best friend of five years, I've successively gone through three best friends -- all with horrible end results -- and have decided that it's not worth the stress in my life to put all of my problems on one person. My closest friend,
dying2bemadenew, and I have decided that the term "Best Friend" is bad luck, because every time one of us says it, we get into a fight soon after. SO. No best friends. I think it's better that way. It hurts less.
4. I am about as random as they come. Sometimes I forget to give backstory. If you're confused, PLEASE stop and ask. Don't feel bad because you don't understand.
5. Finally, I want y'all to all understand something. I try to comment as much as I can, as often as possible. There was a half year where I was basically AWOL, and I missed out on a LOT. I'm trying not to do that anymore. So I'd appreciate it if all of y'all could post a comment and tell me something about yourselves, even if we've been friends since the beginning (like, 2004?).
Have a fantabulous first day of school, and, my senior girls, keep it together. I am so insanely not ready for this. ahhhh.