Wait, what?

Jul 15, 2012 16:29

We walked the dogs down to the coffee shop, as we usually do on Sundays. And I went into the junk store* next door to poke around, partly just because they let me bring my dog in.

In the back room I found this sewing box thing, where the sides accordion out and there's lots of room for sewing accessories. With the general cleaning and organizing we've been doing I try not to bring anything new in, but it would replace the cardboard box, wooden box, and plastic tool box I currently have my sewing stuff in. AND! It's $15!

It needs a little work, a replacement screw and washers, and a couple drawer pulls and it'll be fine. I haul it up front and ask the woman working today to hold it for me, and double check the stuff in the box comes with.

We walk home, crate the dogs, and drive back down for the sewing dingus.

The woman says the contents come with, and "I went through all your little treasures. I'm sure you'll have fun discovering what all is in there! And I'm sure we'll have something to talk about next time I see you!"

Ok, so there's a surprise in there. That's cool, part of the fun, right? So we pay up and put it in the car, and go for groceries and head home. Where I start digging through the box.

The top has an old butter tub with pins and buttons. There's ribbon, lace, a curved needle. I work my way down. An old prescription bottle full of pins, a little plastic bag of buttons. Two strings of shiny glass dangly things that came off an old chandelier, a teddy bear pattern, a little cloth bag of human teeth, a thimble, a grommet tool, a stitch holder for knitting... teeth?

I didn't know what it was, and the bag wasn't really big enough to hold open and look, so I poked a finger inside to feel, and when I still couldn't tell what it was (Though it sounded like buttons) I rolled the bag down until I could see.

Holy crap, bag of teeth.

Now, I understand how it got there. If mom or dad are the Tooth Fairy, they end up with fallen teeth. And, it's not like you can throw them away, right? They're precious! But then your kids grow up and move out and you downsize and sell your old sewing box and HOLY CRAP, BAG OF HUMAN TEETH.

I think I can figure why someone would have this but having not played Tooth Fairy** I was horrified. I seriously regret sticking my fingers in the bag, and may wash my hands again a few more times. Yick.

*Antique store, but I call it a junk store. Most of it's junk.

**Except last Halloween, where I was the Evil Tooth Fairy, with blood smeared apron, giant pliers, and amusingly a bag of "teeth" which were white beads of various shapes.
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