Oct 15, 2022 02:43
Tired tonight. Fell asleep on the couch after deciding to take a break from YouTube by trying to watch Nebula, but despite signing up when I got CuriosiyStrea..can't get in...so watched Curiosity Stream.
First watched a documentary about how the Phaistos Disk has come under suspicion of being a forgery just like the Boston Snake Goddess (Minoans have long been an interest of mine and the degree of what we "know" is based on questionable reconstructions by a pair of Swiss artists and the tastes and theories of Arthur Evans...who was influenced by Fraser and Morganite stage theory).
Then passed out while watching a documentary on Alexandria hoping to see more about the Library but the last thing I remember was the amazing Canopic Avenue (and the two main avenues reminds me of the cardo and decumanus avenues of Roman city planning).
Wake up at 1 AM while dreaming of writing Greek with a fountain pen and pondering the use of the lunar sigma as being easier and why it dominated late antique and Roman era miniscule) to seeing the documentary has moved on to something about a guys Greek travels.
Switch to YT and watch the interview on Varn Log which reminded me how Derick and I have both been considering social reproduction lately.
In my case it was a response to someone discussing markets. And I had been thinking about how to make it really work require kludged to get around how workers and other factors sellers are treated as abstractions without bio social needs and are infinity flexible in switching forms of labor power being sold or assumed to have a variety of factors to sell...while in reality factor prices may not produce enough revenue to cover those basic needs fully (real demand is lower than effective demand). While market transactions may not cover externalities which undermine actual human, social and ecological needs and health.
Yet as I pointed out but was sidestepped, sure a GMI/UBI or Pigouvian taxes can get around this, and why they've been advocated for over a half century or more by folks like Hayek and Friedman...somehow they never get implemented because it involves non market transfers which supposedly undermine incentive or the working of market forces or reduce profits. See the hysteria over carbon taxes by "free market" conservatives a decade ago, or the lead balloon of Yang's UBI, and how the CTC got cut short by Manchin and others a year ago.
So the market keeps pushing on with food insecurity, nutrition issues, health issues and impending climate doom.
Following the suggestions of an ADHD expert I jotted these thoughts, and related thoughts on some note cards to help write an essay here I sit at 2;39 awake and trying to go back to sleep so I can get up at a reasonable hour to clean and organize my home for an inspection Wednesday.