Title: Come Prepared
Author: Kallisto
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns Harry Potter, the charachters and everything contained herein, except the plot.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Pansy/Ginny
Notes: for
hpfsc's "chocolate" challenge. Drabble.
At first, Pansy was calling her "She-weasel," than it was "Flamer" and sometimes "Little Red."
But after the first kiss, her name was changed to "Strawberries"
Not only was her hair the color of strawberries, but she tasted like strawberries. Her lipgloss smelled like strawberries. And Pansy loved it.
The second kiss was better than the first. She kissed back. She didn’t pull back. And she smeared the strawberry lipgloss all over Pansy’s lips. The whole day Pansy licked her lips, tasting the sweetness that was her strawberries.
The next time they kissed, Pansy came prepared. She wore her own flavored lipgloss.
And when she covered Ginny’s lips with her own, it was chocolate-covered strawberries.