I've had this icon since I was in a fandom I haven't been in in over a decade.

Jan 13, 2018 00:22

It's funny. I was big-time into the Fullmetal Alchemist fandom back in 2004-2006. It was my very first LJ fandom! I ended up leaving it before the series ended, but I always figured I'd go back someday. (Well, technically, I was there for the end of the original anime--which, GoT-style, branched off from the source material manga. It's the manga I didn't finish.)

In the interim, they made a new anime that follows the manga frame for frame, so at the dawn of 2018, over a decade later, I figured the time had come to make good on that: I wanted a half-hour show I could pay half-attention to, and it turns out I don't really like Parks and Rec.

It's good. The characters are as I loved them, the worldbuilding is fantastic, and the political intrigue and moral quandries are wonderful. It was hard to get into the nature of the show, at first--because you get used to certain kinds of storytelling, you know, and it takes some adjustment to get familiar with how a show does things. (This is where people get into trouble with SPN half the time, imho. They want it to be something it's not, or think that it's no longer something that in actuality, it never was.)

I guess... my main hangup is that it is literally frame-for-frame the manga, and if there's something I dislike it's adaptations that bring no flavor of their own to the source material. >.> But since I'm literally watching this anime instead of reading all the manga I never read, I guess it shouldn't matter. Somehow it still does.

Though I knew one day I'd come back to finish the story, I never really thought I'd go back to being in the fandom; and this has held true. I don't remotely have that inclination--and good thing, too, since I have too many things to be fannish about right now as it is.

I want to say I'm enjoying it--because really, it's good. It's really good! I think it'd be even better if I did it the service of paying full attention.

But if I'm being really, really honest with myself, every time I put it on I basically just wish it were Supernatural. That's what I really want.

So I'll say it again: It's funny. Because in 2005 when I was in Fullmetal Alchemist fandom and my friend tried to get me into SPN, I thought the episode of SPN she showed me was all right. But what I really wanted, back then, in that moment, was Fullmetal Alchemist.


timetimetime, fandom: misc.

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