Yet another meme

Jul 09, 2015 11:01

Excuse me while I aggressively fill out memes because life beyond memes is depressing. From vyperdd!

Pick your FAVOURITE season.
List your 5 LEAST favourite
-- episodes
-- non-main characters

Pick your LEAST favourite season.
List your TOP 5
-- episodes.
-- non-main characters

My FAVORITE season: S10
My LEAST favorite episodes:1. 10x23 "Brother's ( Read more... )

mememe, fandom: spn

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Comments 19

vyperdd July 9 2015, 15:09:12 UTC
Great answers. Thanks for playing and I'm glad I can add some joy to your life.

I definitely struggled listing non-favs from my fav season. There was nothing and no-one that I didn't absolutely love about season 4.


kalliel July 9 2015, 15:25:04 UTC
Yeah, I mean, looking back across canon, I really don't have that much of an issue with any of the characters--the closest I get is having an issue with the way they functioned in a given episode. The character themself? Either I love them or I forgot they existed. XD


amberdreams July 9 2015, 15:27:07 UTC
Remind me who Jospehine was?

I like the sound of this meme - it's an interesting reverse challenge!


kalliel July 9 2015, 15:27:55 UTC
Josephine is Krissy's friend from 8x18! :D


amberdreams July 9 2015, 17:21:13 UTC
oooh there you go. I don't even remember Krissy having a friend. I think I need a rewatch from Season 8 onwards


citrusjava July 9 2015, 16:14:01 UTC
(also - yay - I guessed right a bunch of your fav/least fav stuff!)

Hunter Games.... UGH


kalliel July 9 2015, 16:20:20 UTC
Yay! And hee, that actually makes me really, really happy, bb. <33

And okay, seriously, what was that episode even about? It's like that one episode of S8 that I can't ever remember, even though I've now seen it three times specifically because I can't ever remember what it was about. Uh, oh well? XD


citrusjava July 9 2015, 16:35:08 UTC
Me too actually - it's good to know I know you a bot - care about you!

It's the guys that wrote Mna's Best Friend With Benefits -
not my favorite writers...?


kalliel July 9 2015, 16:41:27 UTC
You know, I'm gonna be honest, the two of them get a lot (a loooot) of heat from fandom, but they've written a lot of really strong content! I'm not gonna deny they wrote the Benefits episode, lol, or, incidentally, that S8 episode I can never remember (which they totally did). But particularly later in their SPN careers they've written a lot that really jived with me! To the point where their track record averages about as well as any of the other writers for me. Except Rob Berens, whom I just love a lot, and Sera, because Sera. XD


alethiometry July 9 2015, 16:18:51 UTC

also I love your icon omg


kalliel July 9 2015, 16:21:29 UTC
YESSSS. <3333

Ahahahaha, this is the first icon I ever had/made for my LJ, and I'm never gonna give it up. NEVERRRRRRRRR. :D


milly_gal July 10 2015, 09:32:51 UTC
Fantastic answers hun, all though I'm a huge fan of 10x23 but I think that's the glory of this show, each to their own and there's something there for everyone. One woman's trash of an episode is another woman's treasure :)


kalliel July 10 2015, 11:02:38 UTC
:) I'm mostly fine with 10x23, because I know exactly why it didn't work for me (and in fact probably have this conversation with myself to some degree almost every time a finale comes around). I'm also pretty sure I don't actually...get...10x23, so there's that. XDDDD


milly_gal July 11 2015, 10:02:59 UTC
There is indeed that! lol!


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